<blockquote> Block Quote

A quotation set off from the main text.


This element can also be used for an epigraph.
Display/Formatting Note
This Tag Set does not include an element per se for poetry or song lyrics. While <blockquote> may be used for poetry, each line of a poem will have to be treated as a <para> in order to retain spacing and linebreaks.
Models and Context
May be contained in
Expanded Content Model

(title?, (blockquote | equation | figure | informaltable | itemizedlist | mediaobject | note | orderedlist | para | programlisting | table | variablelist)+, attribution?)

Tagged Samples
For poetry
  <para>But who shall dare</para>
  <para>To measure loss and gain in this wise?</para>
  <para>Defeat may be victory in disguise;</para>
  <para>The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.</para>
  <attribution><citation>Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, from 
  <quote>Loss and Gain</quote> (1848)</citation></attribution>
In a paragraph
Block quote may occur within a paragraph or inside a section (at the same level as a paragraph).
<article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
  version="5.0-subset Balisage-1.5" xml:id="HR-23632987-8973">
  <title>Raleigh&#8217;s Discoveries in the New World</title>
  <subtitle>New Insight into the Roanoke Colony</subtitle>
  <section xml:id="mul1">
    <para>On March 25, 1584, Queen Elizabeth I of England charged Sir Walter Raleigh to:
         <para>discover, search, find out, and view such remote, heathen and barbarous lands,
           countries, and territories, not actually possessed of any Christian Prince, nor 
           inhabited by Christian People</para>
         <attribution><xref linkend="thorpe1997"/></attribution>
      That same year Raleigh sent two captains, Philip Amades and Arthur Barlowe, from       
      England to Hispaniola and the Canary Islands; from there, the captains were instructed to
      scout the lands northeast of those already claimed by Spain, to wit, Florida. This land &#8212; 
      now encompassing the Carolinas and Virginia &#8212; was claimed on behalf of England and named
      <quote>Virginia</quote>, in honor of the <quote>Virgin Queen</quote>.</para>
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