Structure of the Tag Library

This Tag Library is organized onto a number of chapters, each divided into sections (which may also be divided into further sections). Navigation around the Tag Library is through the Navigation Panel (Navbar) and through numerous direct links between related components.
The table below outlines the structure and chapters (with their subsections) of this document:
Getting Started
Basic information for first time users and reference for experienced users, this chapter describes the Tag Library document, how to navigate around the web pages of the complex document, and introductory material for the tag set. Also includes the Hierarchy Diagrams, which are useful as introductions as well as reference.
How to use get around the Tag Library pages, using the Navigation Bar (Navbar), Navbar collapse and expand arrows, page collapse/expand diamonds, and the search facility. (See Navigation.)
Structure of Tag Library
Describes the sections of the Tag Library and what can be found in each.
Root Element
Names the <article> element as the root of this XML schema (DTD, XSD, and RNG). (See Root Element.)
Hierarchy Diagrams
Tree-like graphical representations of the content of many elements. This can be a fast, visual way to determine the structure of an article or of any complex element within an article. (See Hierarchy Diagrams.)
Descriptions of the elements used in the Balisage Conference Paper tag set. The elements are listed in order by tag name. (For information on how each Element page is organized, see Introduction to Elements.)
Descriptions of the attributes in the tag set. Attributes are listed in order by the name used in tagging documents and in the schemas. (For information on how each Attribute page is organized, see Introduction to Attributes.)
Finding Information in the Tag Library
Contains two aids for locating an element, attribute, an element’s context, and related information:
  • Index: Like a back-of-the-book Index: a list of elements, attributes, parameter entities, and discussion topics linked to their Tag Library locations. The Index includes alternative words linked to the equivalent Balisage term, for example, the term “long-desc” will direct you to use the Balisage element <textobject>.) (Click on “Index” under “Finding Information in Tag Library” in the Navbar.)
  • Element Context Table: A table of where an element may be used. Provides, for each element, all the elements that can directly contain it. This is how to find out whether an element can be used in a particular context. (Click on “Element Context Table” under “Finding Information in Tag Library” in the Navbar.)
    Context information is also available on each Element page under the subheading “May be contained in” (within “Models and Context”).
Tagging Documents
How to use this tag set: descriptions and guidance for specific tagging issues. (See Tagging Documents.)
Full Article Sample
A full mockup article is provided both in HTML format and in XML according to this tag set. These are provided to help users understand the relationship between the article as displayed and the XML version of the article. (See Full Article Sample.)
An essay discussing best practice for providing access for the visually and motor impaired and how specific JATS elements and attributes can be used to meet Accessibility requirements. (See Accessibility.)
Using the Tag Library to Learn This Tag Set
If you want to learn about the elements and the attributes in this Tag Set so you can tag documents or learn how the conference article model is constructed, here is a good way to start.
  • Read this Tag Library General Introduction, taking particular note of the next section that describes the parts of the Tag Library so you will know what resources are available.
  • Next, if you do not know the symbols used in the Hierarchy Diagrams, read the “Key to the Near & Far® Diagrams”.
  • Scan the Hierarchy Diagrams to get a good sense of the top-level elements and their contents. (Find what is inside an <article>, now what is inside each of the large pieces of an article, keep working your way down.)
  • Pick an element from one of the diagrams. (Look up the element in the Elements Section to find the full element, the definition, usage notes, content allowed inside the element, where the element may be used, and a list of any attributes. Look up one of the attributes to find its full name, usage notes, potential values, and whether it has a default.)
Terms and Definitions
Elements are nouns, like “subtitle” and “table”, that represent components of articles, the articles themselves, and accompanying metadata.
Attributes hold facts about an element, such as which type of format (e.g., JPEG or PNG) is being requested when using the <imagedata> tag, or the name of a pointer to an external file that contains an image. Each attribute has both a name (e.g., @format) and a value (e.g., “PNG”).
Data about the data, for example, bibliographic information. The distinction is between metadata elements which describe an article (such as the article title or abstract) versus elements which contain the textual and graphical content of the article.
Tag Library Typographic Conventions
<bibliomixed> The tag name of an element (written in lower case with the entire name surrounded by “< >”)
Bibliographic Entry The element name (long descriptive name of an element) or the descriptive name of an attribute (written in title case, with important words capitalized, and the words separated by spaces)
@name The “@” sign before a name indicates an attribute name.
must not Emphasis to stress a point