Getting Started

The Balisage Conference Paper Tag Set is a very small tag set intended to support tagging of papers for Balisage: The Markup Conference (hereinafter “Balisage”). The Tag Set is derived from DocBook (5.0CR7), and documents that are valid to this vocabulary will, with one exception, be valid according to DocBook 5.0CR7. (See remarks on <bibliomixed> for the exception.)
This “Tag Library” describes all the elements and attributes that can be used to tag articles for the Balisage conference proceedings and provides tagging advice and examples.
This Tag Library document includes:
Getting Started is the first chapter in the Tag Library, and it contains the following sections:
How to use get around the Tag Library pages, using the Navigation Bar (Navbar), Navbar collapse and expand arrows, page collapse/expand diamonds, and the search facility.
Structure of the Tag Library
Describes the sections of the Tag Library and what can be found in each and how to use the Tag Library to get started learning the tag set.
Root Element
Names the <article> element as the root of this XML schema (DTD, XSD, and RNG).
Hierarchy Diagrams
Tree-like graphical representations of the content of many elements. This can be a fast, visual way to determine the structure of an article or of any complex element within an article.
Subsidiary sections:


Structure of the Tag Library

Root Element

Hierarchy Diagrams