Balisage Series on Markup Technologies

ISSN 1947-2609

Volume 21: Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2018

ISBN-13 978-1-935958-18-5

Balisage: The Markup Conference 2018

Washington, DC

July 31 - August 3, 2018

Balisage is a peer-reviewed conference designed to meet the needs of markup theoreticians and practitioners who are pushing the boundaries of the field. It’s all about the markup: how to create it; what it means; hierarchies and overlap; modeling; taxonomies; transformation; query, searching, and retrieval; presentation and accessibility; making systems that make markup dance (or dance faster to a different tune in a smaller space) — in short, changing the world and the web through the power of markup.


Silver Sponsor

Antenna House logo
Antenna House, Inc. was founded in August of 1984 in Tokyo, Japan, as a software company, focused on data usability. Antenna House, Inc. has led the data conversion sector in Japan since that time. The company currently operates out of four international locations and welcomes new partners from around the globe. For information on the full line of Antenna House XML Products, visit


Oxygen XML Editor logo
<oXygen/> XML Editor is a cross-platform application available on all the major operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris), either standalone or as an Eclipse plugin. Download a trial version from

DCL logo
For over 35 years DCL has been a leader in helping organizations maximize the value of their content assets. This is done through digitization, organization, reuse, and providing greater accessibility. Our experts understand the importance of metadata, emerging big data needs, and how they integrate with the workflows and operations of any organization. With DCL’s processes — including conversion to XML, DITA, NLM/JATS, and other structured formats — content quality is vastly improved, systems are future-proofed, redundancies are eliminated, and revenue opportunities are expanded. DCL uses its advanced technology and U.S.-based project management teams to help solve the most complex conversion challenges securely, accurately, and on time. DCL is a multi-year winner of EContent’s Top 100 companies.

NISO logo
NISO, the National Information Standards Organization, a non-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), identifies, develops, maintains, and publishes technical standards to manage information in today’s continually changing digital environment. NISO standards apply to both traditional and new technologies and to information across its whole lifecycle, from creation through documentation, use, repurposing, storage, metadata, and preservation.


Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations logo OASIS logo Text Encoding Initiative logo Washington Area XML Users Group logo World Wide Web Consortium logo The XML Guild logo


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There is nothing so practical as a good theory