Introduction and Background

The lack of any standardised change-tracking capability in XML document formats places a real constraint on the potential of an otherwise universally accepted tool for document and data management. For while change tracking is commonly available in most other document editing systems, the change-tracking capability of XML editors is typically fairly basic; many do not track attribute changes and there is no common standard. The result is that documents with changes tracked cannot be moved between XML editors unless some form of transformation is applied, and this can result in loss of information.

There is a real opportunity to make XML much more powerful by creating a standard way to track changes in XML documents which would mean that:

  • documents with tracked changes could be moved from one XML editor to another

  • XML editors could track changes in any XML document type

  • every XML document type could include a change history and the ability to roll-back to previous versions

  • software designed to handle change in XML could be applied to many different XML document types

Today, every XML document type takes its own approach to change tracking. For example, OOXML is built on the underlying binary model within Microsoft Word; ODF has only a limited capability to track some changes; DITA uses rev and status attributes to indicate changes and DocBook similarly has a revisionflag attribute - but neither can track attribute or structural changes.

XML editors track changes either by additional markup or using Processing Instructions (PI). Additional markup has the advantage of structure but at the cost of modifying the underlying schema. PIs have the advantage of preserving the latest state of the document in valid XML markup but the PIs do not have structure and so are limited in the changes they can track.

This paper introduces a possible solution that takes into account the current approaches, building on their strengths and addressing their weaknesses. The primary use case here is tracking the successive changes that are made to a document by a single editor over some period of time. The format does not address the issue of merging changes from a number of different editors, or merging different versions of a single document that have been independently edited. The format does cater for the situation where there is a dependency between changes, for example modifying a word in an inserted paragraph; in this situation, the word modification change depends on the paragraph insertion change. It should always be possible to reject each change in reverse order, i.e. starting with the last change and moving back through earlier changes, and thus end up with the original document.


This work was originally done to demonstrate how change tracking within the Open Document Format (ODF) could be improved and extended but was subsequently offered to the wider XML community when the ODF Committee opted, instead, to track edit operations rather than changes, using an Operational Transformation approach – a solution that could not be applied in a generic way to benefit other XML groups

This proposal was submitted to a Community Group established by the W3C in 2012 to explore change tracking [1]. There is also a sandbox [2] to demonstrate how it works in an interactive way. The approach was implemented and a large number of examples were created and validated against a Schematron rule set [3]. XSLT style sheets were also written to extract the final version from a change-tracked document and to undo the latest change in a change-tracked document.

The OpenDocument Format (ODF) is used in the worked examples in this paper.

The original work was supported with a grant from Stichting NLnet.

State-of-the-art for XML Change Tracking

There are many different approaches to tracking document changes in XML. A fuller review of different approaches can be found in [5], which looks at different use cases for situations where change to XML is important and reviews the different approaches used by some of the more popular formats, including OpenDocument, Open XML, DocBook, DITA and editors including XMetaL, oXygen and Xopus.

In this paper we will use some of those examples of change tracking in current systems in order to provide some context to the later presentation of the approach being considered within the W3C Community Group.

There are several different ways of representing changes in XML. Although in general these are applied to the changes between two documents, some of them can be extended to show or represent changes between multiple documents, or multiple versions of the same document. It is interesting to note that all the examples use an in-line representation of changes, i.e. the changes are represented within the document itself, rather than as a separate file.

It is not possible, in this paper, to do a complete review of the capabilities of all the existing change tracking systems, and the small example below does not do justice to their capabilities. They each have different capabilities for representing changes such as changes to attributes, changes to formatting, and changes to structure. Perhaps the greatest challenge to any change tracking mechanism is the ability to represent changes to structure, and this includes the well-known problem of representing overlapping hierarchies [13], but with the added twist that the content has also typically changed. Although a detailed discussion of this is beyond the scope of this paper, the proposal does address this issue, which is important in the context of document editing.

The example used here is to change "The very quick brown fox jumped over lazy dog." to "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.", where bold text shows changes. The examples have been shortened by removing some information that is not relevant to the discussion, and have been pretty-printed for clarity.

Line based diff

The traditional output of the UNIX diff utility shows changes between two text documents on a line by line basis. It is obviously possible to show differences between two XML documents in a similar way.

<         <p>The very quick brown fox jumped over lazy dog.</p>
>         <p>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.</p>

This representation has a number of limitations for XML because of its sytnax and tree structure neither of which is reflected in the line-based structure. It may be useful to accept or reject changes based on lines for a regular text document, but this is unlikely to work for an XML document where the structure is often easily destroyed by moving lines from one document to another.

Processing instructions

Because processing instructions are in effect external to the main structure of an XML document, they are commonly used to mark additions and deletions in XML editors. Examples include XMetaL [6], Xopus [7], and oXygen [8].

One of the great advantages of using processing instructions to represent changes is that the underlying XML file can still be validated by ignoring the processing instructions. This implies that any deleted content will be within a processing instruction, and any added content will be marked by a start and end marker, each of which is a processing instruction.

<topic id="topic-1">
    <title>Topic title</title>
        <p>The <?oxy_delete author="robin" 
                content="very"?> quick
            brown fox jumped over
            <?oxy_insert_start author="robin" 
            <?oxy_insert_end?>lazy dog.</p>

In this example, you can see that if all of the processing instructions are removed, the result is a valid file which represents all the changes being accepted.

Revision flags

Attributes are often used to show revisions to parts of an XML document in order to generate output showing where a document has been revised. This mechanism is built into the XML format itself, and any processor would need to know about this in order to reflect the changes. Examples include DocBook and DITA.

<topic xmlns:ditaarch="">
    <title>Topic title</title>
        <p>The <ph rev="deltaxml-delete">very </ph>
                quick brown fox jumped over 
                <ph rev="deltaxml-add">the </ph>lazy dog.</p>

In this example, the revision flags have been inserted by comparing two versions of a document, and putting revision flags around text that has been either added or deleted. The added or deleted text can then be decorated in the publishing pipeline, either to PDF or HTML.

Tracked changes

Some document formats use a more sophisticated version of revision flags to show where text has been added or deleted. These tracked changes are represented in the XML structure, and the editing system may enable the editor to accept or reject them. Tracked changes are typically not able to represent all the possible changes to a document, but will satisfy the needs of a typical editor. Examples include Arbortext, OpenDocument Format (ODF) and Open XML.

The example below is Arbortext track change format, which unlike other XML editors uses markup to show changes.

	<atict:del user="deltaxml" time="1403627577">
	quick brown fox jumped over 
	<atict:add user="deltaxml" time="1403627577">
	lazy dog. 

The example below is OpenDocument text format, ODT.

			<text:changed-region text:id="ct528047904">
					<text:p text:style-name="Standard">
			<text:changed-region text:id="ct645104016">
				<text:insertion />
		<text:p text:style-name="Standard">
			<text:change text:change-id="ct528047904" />
			<text:s />
			quick brown fox jumped over 
			<text:change-start text:change-id="ct645104016" />
			<text:change-end text:change-id="ct645104016" />
			lazy dog.

In this example of tracked changes, notice that the deleted text is held in a separate place from the main body text. This means that the main body of the document is very close to the new version of the document, i.e. with all the changes accepted. However, it is not trivial to reinsert the deleted text in its correct position, with all of the text decoration intact.

Microsoft Word also has a change tracking mechanism using a similar in-line markup, though the deleted text is held in situ, as shown below.

	<w:p w:rsidR="00D41E6C" w:rsidRDefault="005B7EF1">
			<w:t xml:space="preserve">
		<w:del w:id="0" w:author="Robin La Fontaine" w:date="2014-06-24T16:07:00Z">
			<w:r w:rsidDel="005B7EF1">
				<w:delText xml:space="preserve">
			<w:t xml:space="preserve">
				quick brown fox jumped over 
		<w:ins w:id="1" w:author="Robin La Fontaine" w:date="2014-06-24T16:08:00Z">
				<w:t xml:space="preserve">
				lazy dog.

Generic XML deltas

A delta file can be defined such that it represents the differences between two arbitrary XML documents, in XML. Any XML format that is capable of updating one XML document into another could be described as a generic delta, for example XQuery Update Facility[9], XSLT [10] or DeltaXML [11]. Typically this will operate in one direction only (XQuery Update Facility, XSLT), though a symmetrical representation is also possible (DeltaXML). The delta may be a transformation, defining how to get from one document to another, or a data representation, defining what is different between the documents.

XQuery Update Facility and XSLT are both declarative transformations and can represent complex changes. They are intended to be executable transformations between two XML documents and will, in conjunction with the execution engine, convert one document into another. They are not intended to be used as a change-tracking mechanism. They do not meet any of the needs of the use case scenarios described here.

A delta file that is a data representation describes, in some way, the differences between two documents. A useful derivation of such a generic XML delta file would be one that contained not only the changes but also the original data, all in XML. Both of the original documents could be generated from such a delta representation. Ideally such a delta representation would not duplicate content that is common to the two documents. It is possible to transform this type of data representation into any of the other types of representation listed above, although the reverse is in general not possible. Therefore this generic delta representation is very versatile. An example of this is the full-context delta used by DeltaXML, shown in the example below.

<para deltaxml:deltaV2="A!=B" 
	<deltaxml:textGroup deltaxml:deltaV2="A">
		<deltaxml:text deltaxml:deltaV2="A">
	quick brown fox jumped over 
	<deltaxml:textGroup deltaxml:deltaV2="B">
		<deltaxml:text deltaxml:deltaV2="B">
	lazy dog. 

In this example, all of the data from both documents, A and B, is present and has the same look and feel as the original documents. The delta element wrappers and attributes indicate where the documents differ. Either version of the document can quite easily be extracted from this representation, for example using XSLT or XQuery. Note that the actual delta file will not comply with the original DTD/schema because of the additional delta wrapper elements and attributes, but each version that is extracted will be valid against the DTD/schema. Although not shown in this example, the format is capable of representing changes to attributes and elements as well as text. The format also extends to represent changes between more than two documents, for example the changes between two concurrent edits and the document from which the edits are derived.

However, this representation is not well-suited to the change tracking scenario where a large number of small changes need to be represented. This is because the representation has quite large overhead for small changes, and it is focused on the problem of representing a large number of changes between a small number of documents, rather than a large number of changes to a single document.

Approach to Standard Change Tracking for XML

Generic change tracking for XML is a complex problem. It needs to cover not only addition, deletion and modification of elements and attributes but also changes to the XML structure, for example when a paragraph element is split into two, or a <div/> element is wrapped around some other elements. A solution which would meet all the requirements of XML change tracking would inevitably be complex, but it may not be essential for many applications.

A more simple approach can produce significant and useful results and this is covered in the basic change tracking capability described as Level 1, which is the subject of this paper. Moving to a more powerful solution will give a better user experience but at the cost of increased complexity. This is covered in Level 2.

Level 1 provides the ability to modify attributes, add and delete elements, and add and delete text. It also enables changes to be grouped into transactions where a single transaction moves the document from one valid state to another. Changes can be represented as markup or PIs in a way that allows loss-less transformation between them, thus gaining the advantages of both.

Level 2 adds to this the ability to add or delete element structure around existing content and to split and merge elements in more complex ways. In terms of changes to XML documents, the content (typically text) takes priority over the structure (typically paragraphs, tables and text decoration). In other words, an editor does not want to see change to content when only the structure or styling has been changed. As an example of this, when a newline is inserted in the middle of a paragraph, i.e. to split it into two paragraphs, the editor does not expect to see change to those paragraphs but rather the insertion of a new line. This does not always fit well with the underlying XML structure, and could not be represented in Level 1. Level 2 addresses this, but it is a complex issue and the solution is therefore more complicated. We do not cover Level 2 in this paper, but this is covered in detail in [4].


The proposed change tracking format avoids complex semantic rules relating to the correctness of changes. Rather it takes a generic approach so that almost any change can be represented, and then defines correctness in terms of the validity of the state before and after the change. This enables a simple, intuitive and powerful statement for the validity of a change (and this may include syntactic and semantic validity): if the document before the change is valid and the document after the change is valid, then the change is valid.

Discarding Changes

The format takes account of the task of a reader application that may not be able to understand changes at all or in certain areas. For example, if a reader is unable to represent any changes, it must be easy to read in the latest version of a document. This would also apply to individual fragments or subtrees within the document.

Complex Changes

A single action by an editor may generate changes in a number of different places in the document. For example, a global change or 'replace all' will generate changes throughout a document, or deleting a column in a table will generate several disjoint changes in the underlying XML representation. Therefore there is clearly a need to represent a number of small atomic changes as a single action. Also the format provides some flexibility in the way these can be grouped, so that for example a global change can be accepted/rejected in one action or each change handled separately.

Overhead and Readability

A localised change should have a simple, intuitive, and localised representation within a document. For example, when an attribute is changed the format should not generate a large amount of structure to represent that change. On the other hand, the format should not require a lot of parsing of attribute values or other information in order to determine the nature of a change. These criteria may conflict, and in such cases a balance between these issues should be sought and explained.

Representation in XML

This proposal includes alternative representations for the changes in XML, i.e. markup and Processing Instructions (PIs). The reason for this is that markup is the proper native XML way to represent such information but has the significant disadvantage that it affects the nature of the document. On the other hand, if all changes are wrapped in PIs, then the document remains as a ‘normal’ document and can be validated and processed as usual because the PIs are simply discarded on reading the document. The approach taken is, in general, to convert the outermost change tracking element into a PI and wrap everything else within it. Therefore the conversion to and from PIs is quite simple and there is only one structure that needs to be defined. This approach may be too simple in practice and further development may be needed here. Attribute changes present a particular problem, and a view must be taken on whether it is best to represent these before or after the start tag of an element.

Definitions and underlying rules

Atomic Change: the basic building block

An Atomic Change is a change such as the addition of an element or removal of an attribute, which represents a single syntactic change. The representation may involve more than one element or attribute. It is not appropriate to limit an Atomic Change to one that cannot be subdivided. For example, the deletion of an element and its contents, i.e. its attributes and children, is considered to be atomic, whereas in principle this could be split into a collection of atomic changes that removes each leaf node in the XML structure. Further, even these leaf nodes could in principle have their textual content removed one character at a time. Forcing systems to record change at this level of detail is inappropriate.

Each atomic change is part of one and only one Change Transaction (CT), described later. This is enforced because each atomic change references the ID of the CT to which it belongs. This grouping is very important, because it means that we can form a change out of any number of atomic changes. This implies that we only need a few atomic change operations, and these can be combined in complex ways to create CTs.

Change Transaction: a change from one valid state to another

A Change Transaction (CT) consists of one or more Atomic Changes, and is uniquely identified by an identifier (ID). If more than one Atomic Change is involved, there is no ordering of these, they are considered to happen as a single operation. A CT is therefore an indivisible change, which is represented as a single transaction.

One CT may depend on others. In other words, it may not be possible to apply a particular CT unless some other CT on which it depends is applied first. For example, if some text has been added, and then one of the words is deleted, it is not possible to accept the deletion if the addition has been rejected.

Where a document has more than one CT, the order of the CTs must be defined. If we want to support an undo operation, then the ordering would be important. In general, changes made by an editor are done in a certain order, because a particular change may depend on a previous change. This ordering therefore represents the default dependency, i.e. by default each CT depends on all the previous CTs. A particular application may be able to provide more intelligent information on the dependencies, and this is achieved with grouping.

Change Transaction grouping: controlling interaction and dependency

CTs can be grouped either in a specific order (CT Stack) or as a set (CT Set). These groupings are for convenience, for example to allow a global edit (change all), or an editing session, to be undone in one operation. A CT group may only reference previously-defined CTs or CT groups, to avoid circular definitions.

Final state of a document: discard all the tracked changes

The final version of a document is the final state of its root element. The final state of an element is the element and its attributes and the final state of all its content. When determining the final state, any deleted element is ignored, and the change history of any attributes is ignored. The format is designed so that the final state of a document can be determined by simply ignoring certain elements, ignoring elements with particular attributes and ignoring some attributes. For the PI representation, it is simply necessary to ignore all the Pis.


A CT is valid if the document before the CT is valid, and the document after the CT is applied is valid. This is a very simple definition of semantic correctness, and means therefore that we do not need a lot of complex rules about what combination of changes are correct.

Therefore we can say that a document is valid if its final state is valid and all the CTs it contains are valid. We are using the term ‘valid’ here to mean whatever validation is relevant to the document, including any relevant syntax and semantic rules.

Additions, deletions and moves

An element can only come into existence once and go out of existence once. Once an element has gone out of existence, or died, no further changes can be made to that element or its content. This is an important (but also intuitive) simplification because it means we do not need to cater for elements going out of existence and then coming back into existence again, which would make the format much more complex.

Moves: one or more additions linked to a deletion

Text and/or elements may be moved to one or more other locations in a document. This is represented as an element being deleted from one place and added in one or more other places in the document. The change history of an element is not moved with the element.

Content that has been moved from position A to position B can be moved again from B but it is deleted from A and so cannot be moved from A in a later operation.


The namespaces are defined as follows (the namespace is only used as an example):


Change Transaction (CT) Structure

There must be a position in the document where the change transactions are defined, each being identified by an identifier (ID). Each will have some associated meta information such as the name of the author who made the change, and the date.

The ordering of the change transactions is important. If a user wishes to undo the changes one by one, then this can be achieved by undoing the change transaction at the end of the list and then moving up the list.

As mentioned above, it is also possible to group CTs in a change transaction group (CT group). This will have similar meta information to a CT, and will reference CTs or other CT groups that it groups together, i.e. that are its members. Again, all the members must be previously-defined CT or CT groups. The effect of undoing a CT group will be to undo a number of CTs, which would then be removed from the list.

A software application that does not understand this grouping can ignore the groups, and the result will be some loss of structure but no effect on the underlying tracked changes. It is only a CT that has an effect on the document, the CT groups merely provide structure for user convenience.

A CT group may be ordered (CT stack, delta:change-transaction-stack) or unordered (CT set, delta:change-transaction-set). The members of a CT set can be accepted or rejected in any order. The members of a CT stack must be accepted or rejected in the defined order, i.e. undo last member first.


    <delta:change-transaction delta:change-id="ct1">
    <delta:change-transaction delta:change-id="ct2" 
    <delta:change-transaction delta:change-id="ct3"
    <delta:change-transaction-set delta:change-group-id="cs4">
        <delta:change-log>Global edit</delta:change-log>
            <delta:change-ref delta:change-idref="ct2"/>
            <delta:change-ref delta:change-idref="ct3"/>

Tracking Changes: Level 1

This section details the attributes and elements needed to support the representation of atomic changes, which are the lowest level changes that can be represented. All changes can be represented using these atomic changes.

It is possible to move back from the final version of a document through successive changes to previous versions of a document. It may not be easy to extract an arbitrary version, but it is always possible to undo the last CT and thus work back through versions, i.e. the state between each edit action or CT.

Change Tracking attributes: Level 1

Attribute Values Description
delta:insertion-type 'insert-with-content' Indicates how an element was created. Absence means the element existed in the oldest version of the document.
delta:insertion-change-idref References a delta:change-id References the CT that brought this element into existence. Present on all elements with an delta:insertion-type attribute.
delta:removal-change-idref References a delta:change-id References the CT that removed some content from the document. Can appear on a delta:removed-content element.
ac:XXX Details of the attribute change, comma separated ac: is a defined namespace, XXX is a generated attribute name, each new XXX represents a change to one attribute.
delta:move-id Defines an ID for a move Can appear on a delta:removed-content or delta:merge element.
delta:move-idref References an ID for a move Can appear on an element with delta:insertion-type='insert-with-content' to indicate the element and content was moved from elsewhere to this place. Can appear on delta:inserted-text-start to indicate the text was moved from elsewhere to this place.
delta:change-id Defines an ID for a CT Identifies a CT
delta:inserted-text-end-id Defines an ID for a delta:inserted-text-end Identifies the end element of a text insertion.
delta:inserted-text-end-idref Reference to delta:inserted-text-end-id Identifies the end element for some inserted text.
delta:edit-operation Values defined in the standard or by a particular editing application Optional on CT, CT set and CT stack to identify the type of edit-operation that this represents, e.g. text-to-table, global-replace, make-bold, libreOffice:macro23

Change Tracking Elements: Level 1

Element Description
delta:removed-content Contains element, PCDATA or mixed content that has been removed.
delta:inserted-text-start Identifies the start point of some inserted text.
delta:inserted-text-end Identifies the end point of some inserted text.

Add an element and its content (insert-with-content)


The whole element is added with its content.


Addition of a paragraph.

<text:p delta:insertion-type="insert-with-content"  
This paragraph is inserted.</text:p>

Example PI:

<text:p><?delta-tracked-change-attributes delta:insertion-type="insert-with-content"  
This paragraph is inserted.</text:p>

Comments and Rationale

An added item may contain changes within it, but the changes must all be after it was added.

Delete an element and its content (remove-with-content)


The whole element is deleted with its content.


Deletion of a paragraph.

<delta:removed-content delta:removal-change-idref='ct456'>
   This paragraph is deleted.

Addition and deletion of a paragraph is shown like this:

<delta:removed-content delta:removal-change-idref='ct456'>
  <text:p delta:insertion-type="insert-with-content" 
  This paragraph is added then later deleted.

Deletion of a paragraph – PI example.

<?delta:removed-content delta:removal-change-idref='ct456'>
   This paragraph is deleted.

Addition and deletion of a paragraph is shown like this – PI example:

<?delta:removed-content delta:removal-change-idref='ct456'>
  <text:p delta:insertion-type="insert-with-content" 
  This paragraph is added then later deleted.

Comments and Rationale

A deleted item may contain changes within it, but the changes must all be before its deletion.

Add an attribute to an element


This construct provides the ability to add a new attribute to an element.


If a fragment starts as

<text:p text:style-name="Standard">
How an attribute is added

and goes to

<text:p text:style-name="Standard" text:outline-level="3">
How an attribute is added

then this is represented as

<text:p text:style-name="Standard" text:outline-level="3"
How an attribute is added

where change001 is a generated attribute name and the name is not significant – it must be different for each attribute change recorded for this element. The content is a comma separated list of:

  1. The change transaction (CT) ID. This is a reference to the ID.

  2. The type of change: insert, remove, modify

  3. The name of the attribute that is changed

  4. The old value of the attribute – this is not needed for an added attribute because the value will either be in the element or, if the attribute is later deleted it will be recorded there.

PI example:

<text:p text:style-name="Standard" text:outline-level="3">
<?attribute-change "ct1,insert,text:outline-level" ?>
How an attribute is added

Comments and Rationale

All information on the change is local to the element changed. The attribute local name is generated because multiple changes are possible, and this avoids adding to a string (value) of some attribute and then parsing it. Minimal parsing of the ac:change001 attribute value is needed. The latest attributes are always listed in full, making extraction of the latest version simple.

Delete an attribute from an element


This construct provides the ability to delete an attribute from an element.


If a fragment starts as

<text:p text:style-name="Standard" text:outline-level="3">
How an attribute is deleted

and goes to

<text:p text:style-name="Standard" >
How an attribute is deleted

then this is represented as

<text:p text:style-name="Standard" 
How an attribute is deleted

PI example:

<text:p text:style-name="Standard" >
<?attribute-change "ct1,remove,text:outline-level,3" ?>
How an attribute is deleted

Comments and Rationale

This follows the same principles as an inserted attribute.

Change the value of an attribute


This construct provides the ability to change the value of an attribute on an element.


If a fragment starts as

<text:p text:style-name="Standard">
The style on the paragraph will be changed.

and goes to

<text:p text:style-name="Code">
The style on the paragraph will be changed.

then this is represented as

<text:p text:style-name="Code"
The style on the paragraph will be changed.

PI example:

<text:p text:style-name="Code">
<?attribute-change "ct1,modify,text:style-name,Standard" ?>
The style on the paragraph will be changed.

Comments and Rationale

This follows the same principles as an added or deleted attribute.

Move an element (move)


This construct describes the origin and the destination of content that is moved from one position in a document to another. Move provides a link between some removed content (move-from) and some inserted content (move-to), but this link simply provides additional information about the change transaction. If an application does not understand the concept of move, the move information can be ignored without compromising the content and structure of the document before the move or the content and structure of the document after the move.

The move representation allows content to be deleted and then inserted in one or more other positions in the document. A delta:move-id attribute must have one or more delta:move-idref references to it.


If a fragment is moved from this position

This paragraph will be moved.
<text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1">
This is the heading for the paragraph

to this

<text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1">
This is the heading for the paragraph
This paragraph will be moved.

then this is represented as

<delta:removed-content delta:removal-change-idref="ct123" delta:move-id="mv33" >
    <text:p >
    This paragraph will be moved.
<text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1">
This is the heading for the paragraph
<text:p delta:insertion-type="insert-with-content" delta:move-idref="mv33"
This paragraph will be moved.

PI example

<?delta:removed-content delta:removal-change-idref="ct123" delta:move-id="mv33" >
    <text:p >
    This paragraph will be moved.
<text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1">
This is the heading for the paragraph
<text:p >
<?delta-tracked-change-attributes delta:insertion-type="insert-with-content" 
delta:move-idref="mv33" delta:insertion-change-idref="ct123"?>
This paragraph will be moved.

Comments and Rationale

Move from and move to are linked by the delta:move-id attribute and delta:move-idref attributes. When content is moved, all its change history is reset, e.g. a move-from paragraph has the change history and the move-to has no history, it is as if it has been added new. This avoids duplicating history (causing ID duplicates etc) and the history is not lost because it is there in the original position.

The delta:move-id attribute appears on a delta:removed-content or delta:merge element and therefore there is no 1:1 relationship between a move-from element, whose parent has a delta:move-id attribute, and the move-to element. It would be possible to specify this relationship to a finer level of granularity by using multiple delta:removed-content elements rather than one.

Add text (PCDATA)


This construct allows the insertion of text. It is similar to the existing mechanism. This construct shall only be used within an element that allows PCDATA content.


If a fragment starts as

How text is added.

and goes to

How text is very easily added.

then this is represented as

How text is <delta:inserted-text-start delta:inserted-text-id="it632507360" 
delta:insertion-change-idref="ct1"/>very easily 
<delta:inserted-text-end delta:inserted-text-idref="it632507360"/>added.

PI example:

How text is <?delta:inserted-text-start delta:inserted-text-id="it632507360" 
delta:insertion-change-idref="ct1" ?>very easily 
<?delta:inserted-text-end delta:inserted-text-idref="it632507360" ?>added.

Second example: If a fragment starts as

How text is

and goes to

How text is very easily added.
And the addition is into a second paragraph.

then this is represented as

How text is <delta:inserted-text-start delta:inserted-text-id="it123" delta:insertion-change-idref="ct3"/>very easily added.<delta:inserted-text-end delta:inserted-text-idref="it123"/>
<text:p delta:insertion-type="insert-with-content" delta:insertion-change-idref="ct3">
And the addition is into a second paragraph.

Comments and Rationale

Additions may not always be within a single element, but the delta:inserted-text-start and delta:inserted-text-end must both have the same parent element when they are created, and the content between them must be PCDATA only. Therefore when a second paragraph is added as per the second example, the first atomic change terminates and the paragraph is added in the normal way. The CT reference provides a link to indicate these occur at the same time as a single addition. This avoids having two ways to add an element and avoids the need to track across the element hierarchy to find the corresponding end of an addition.

Additions must therefore always be non-overlapping and the start and end of a change must be within a single element, when they are formed. Of course they may not be within a single element at some later stage due to other changes, but in this case it would not be possible to 'undo' it. This rule adds clarity at the slight cost to the writer application and the considerable gain for the reader. Since any number of atomic changes can be associated with a single CT, there is no loss of information.

Delete mixed or PCDATA content


This construct allows the deletion of text. It is similar to the existing mechanism. This construct shall only be used within an element that allows PCDATA content.


If a fragment starts as

How text is deleted or removed from a paragraph.

and goes to

How text is removed from a paragraph.

then this is represented as

How text is <delta:removed-content delta:removal-change-idref="ct2">deleted or </delta:removed-content>removed from a paragraph.

Second example: If a fragment starts as

How text is deleted or <text:span text:style="bold">removed</text:span> like this from a paragraph.

and goes to

How text is deleted from a paragraph.

then this is represented as

How text is deleted 
<delta:removed-content delta:removal-change-idref="ct2">
  <text:span text:style="bold"> removed</text:span>
  like this
from a paragraph.

Comments and Rationale

The deleted text is contained within a single element because it will never be subdivided or added to after its deletion. The deleted text element contains at least some deleted text, and may contain other elements.

A deleted item may contain changes within it, but the changes must all be before its deletion.

Integration with a host format

We have identified two different ways of integrating this track change format, discussed below.

Stand-alone use of 'XML Track Changes'

The format can be used as an independent addition to an existing XML host format. In this scenario no changes are made to the schema of the host format, but the track change elements and attributes are used to represent changes and edits to a document. The following generic tools may be used to extract different versions of the document, and to validate a version of the document that has tracked changes represented.

  1. Schematron checker to check a change-tracked document (Schematron Checker)

  2. XSLT stylesheet to extract the final document from a change-tracked document (XSLT Extractor)

  3. XSLT stylesheet to roll back the last change transaction from a change-tracked document (XSLT Roll-back)

These tools allow a complete integrity check as follows:

  1. Execute the Schematron Checker to check the document.

  2. Use XSLT Extractor to extract the last version of the document

  3. Check the last version of the document against the normal document schema and/or other integrity checks.

  4. If there are no Change Transactions in the document, the checking is finished.

  5. Use XSLT Roll-back to roll back the tracked change

  6. Return to 1 to continue checking.

An application reading the change-tracked document would need to recognise the change tracking elements and treat these in a special way so that the final version of the document ends up in memory with some ancillary in-memory data structure to denote the changes.

Host-integrated 'XML Track Changes'

In this scenario there will be a RelaxNG schema which specifies the host format with change tracking schema integrated with it. The stand-alone testing mentioned above would still be valid and work, but as well as that the change-tracked document could be checked against a schema.

Note: More work is needed to develop this integration for a particular host format such as ODF, and it has a significant impact on the RelaxNG schema.

Schema Integration

Integration of Level 1 is simpler than integration of Level 2.

It is possible to represent any changes to a document in each level, but Level 2 provide a more natural representation of typical document editing actions. Level 2 seek to make minimal changes to the document content or text while allowing complex changes to the structure surrounding that textual content.

Schema Integration Level 1

This level is provided as a guide for other use cases of this tracked-change representation. Level 1 has not been fully tested independently of Level 2.

Rule 1: The element delta:tracked-changes must be allowed at one point in the document.

Rule 2: Any element in the host format that has one or more attributes which can be added, deleted or values changed, need to allow attributes in the ac: namespace.

Rule 3: All elements that can be added or deleted with their content (including any element that allows no content, i.e. is always empty) need to allow the attribute delta:insertion-type with value 'insert-with-content' and be permitted as a child of delta:removed-content (unless this allows any element, see RelaxNG for details). (Note that this is not necessarily all elements, for example an element that is only used as a required item and never in a choice would not be in this category.)

Rule 4: All elements that allow element content must have their content model modified so that they allow delta:removed-content to appear anywhere as a child element.

Rule 5: All elements that allow PCDATA content, including elements that allow mixed content, need to allow for text content to be added (Rule 4 allows text to be deleted).


The need to track changes to XML documents and data frequently extends beyond the most common application of changes to documents. For example there is keen interest from the Strategy Markup Language (StratML) [12] group responsible for defining strategic plans in XML; these plans change, and the way they have changed is important and needs to be recorded. But, if every group develops its own solution then the advantage of common tools would be lost and each group would be left to find its own way forward. It would be a considerable amount of work!

There have been comments that the full solution proposed, including both Level 1 and Level 2, is complex. That is true and it probably makes sense to limit the initial approach, a first or draft standard, to fairly simple changes as addressed by Level 1, and then in the light of experience and implementations move on to tackle the more complex area of structural changes. Level 1 can represent any change to any XML document, but for structural changes some content may need to be duplicated. Level 2 is really only needed when content duplication is undesirable, for example when the XML represents written documents.

This paper has shown that a generic approach to representing tracked changes in XML is possible, and the advantages to having a standard XML solution are considerable. More experimental work is needed to see if there are better approaches and a draft standard needs to be developed. Then, in the light of experience and implementations, we can move on to address the more complex area of structural changes.


[1] W3C Change Community Group,

[2] XML Change Tracking Prototype: Sandbox,

[3] Robin La Fontaine, Nigel Whitaker and Tristan Mitchell, Representing Changes in Open Document Format: Worked examples and XSLT style sheets, July 2010, (5.1Mb)

[4] Robin La Fontaine, XML Change Tracking: Representing Change Tracking in any XML Document, DeltaXML Ltd., Draft 7, 2012,

[5] Robin La Fontaine, Approaches to Change tracking in XML, XML Prague 2010 Prague CZ,

[6] XMetaL authoring system

[7] Xopus online editing,

[8] oXygen XML editor,

[9] XQuery Update Facility 1.0,

[10] XSL Transformations (XSLT),

[11] DeltaXML: Two and Three Document DeltaV2 Format,

[12] Strategy Markup Language (StratML),

[13] Modeling overlapping structures, Yves Marcoux, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Claus Huitfeldt,, doi:

Robin La Fontaine

Robin is the founder and CEO of DeltaXML. He holds an Engineering Science degree from Oxford University and an MSc in Computer Science. His background includes computer aided design software and he has been addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with information change for many years.