Streaming: an Introduction

The architecture of most XSLT processors is as shown in Figure 1. The XML parser is used to build a tree representation of the source document in memory. XSLT instructions are then executed, which cause the evaluation of XPath expressions, which select nodes from the source tree by navigating around this tree. Because the XPath axes (child, descendant, parent, ancestor, preceding-sibling, and so on) allow navigation around this tree in arbitrary directions, it is necessary for the entire tree to be held in memory for the duration of the transformation. For some XML documents, this is simply not feasible: even sample datasets representing virtual 3D city models run to 44Gbytes in size (CityGML).

Figure 1: Fig 1: Architecture of an XSLT Processor

In this schematic, arrows represent flow of control (not data flow). Thus the two controlling components (outlined bold) are the Parser and the XSLT engine; the parser writes the source tree and the XSLT engine reads it (via the XPath engine). The serializer is invoked by the XSLT engine to process one result tree event at a time, which means that the result tree does not actually need to be materialized in memory.

By contrast, there is no need to hold the result tree in memory. Although the semantics of the language speak of a result tree, a naive execution of XSLT instructions causes nodes to be written to the result tree in document order, which means that data can be serialized (to lexical XML or HTML) as soon as it is generated. So the result tree is a fiction of the specification, and does not occupy real memory in a typical implementation.

It has long been recognized that the need to hold the source tree in memory is a serious restriction for many applications. Researchers have made a number of attempts to tackle the problem:

  1. Some have concentrated on streaming XPath processors (Barton2003, BarYossef2004, Joshi). The focus here is on rewriting the reverse axes (such as preceding-sibling) in terms of forwards axes. There has been significant progress demonstrated in these projects, though they all leave out some of the most awkward features of the language, such as the last() function. However, streamed evaluation of a single XPath expression during a single pass of a source document does not help much with streamed evaluation of XSLT, since a stylesheet contains many XPath expressions, and the starting point for one is typically dependent on the nodes found by another.

  2. Other projects have concentrated on streamed evaluation of XQuery (Florescu2003, Li2005). Again these projects rely heavily on rewriting the execution plan. These results are difficult to translate to XSLT, because XQuery has the luxury of a flow-of-control that is fully statically analyzable (there is no polymorphism or dynamic despatch). In XQuery, the compiler can look at a function call and know which function it is calling; it can therefore determine what navigation is performed by the called function. Template rules in XSLT, by contrast, are fired dynamically based on input data.

  3. Guo et al (Guo2004) describe an approach to streamed XSLT processing that restricts the supported XSLT constructs to a small core. This core language is DTD-aware, and restricts match patterns to those that can be uniquely ascribed to an element declaration in the DTD grammar. XPath expressions appear only in the xsl:apply-templates instruction, and always select downwards by element name. As a result, the call hierarchy becomes statically tractable, as in the XQuery case.

  4. Zergaoui (Zergaoui2009) observes that many transformations are intrinsically non-streamable, because the events representing the result tree appear in a different order from the events from the source tree on which they depend. He therefore suggests that pure (zero-memory) streaming is an impractical goal, and that practical engineering solutions should strive rather to minimize the amount of buffering needed, without restricting the expressive capabilities of the transformation language.

  5. Echoing this, Dvorakova (Dvirakova2008, Dvorakova2009a, Dvorakova2009b) and her colleagues describe an approach that supports a rather larger subset of the XSLT language, though it still contains some serious limitations: match patterns in template rules are simple element names, path expressions can select downwards only, recursive structures in the schema are not allowed. Their approach, implemented in the Xord framework, is based on static analysis of the XSLT code in the context of a schema to determine the extent to which streaming can be employed, and the scope of input buffering needed to handle constructs (for example, non-order-preserving constructs) where pure streaming is not possible. (An implicit assumption of their approach, which sadly is not true in real life, is that an element name appearing in the match pattern of a template rule can be used to identify unambiguously a schema definition of the structure of the elements that match this rule.)

  6. Others have adopted the approach that if XSLT cannot be streamed, then a different language is needed. STX STX is one example of an alternative transformation language, designed explicitly for streaming. Another is the INRIA XStream project (Frisch2007) (not to be confused with other projects of the same name). STX abandons the attempt to be purely declarative, instead giving the programmer access to mutable variables which can be used to remember data from the input document that might be needed later in the transformation; this means that the responsibility for controlling memory usage rests entirely on the programmer. XStream, by contrast, is a purely functional language that relies heavily on partial evaluation of functions as soon as relevant inputs are available; the buffering of input is thus represented by the pool of partially-evaluated function calls, and the efficiency of the process depends strongly on the programmer having a good understanding of this execution model.

What all this activity makes clear is that streaming of the XSLT language as currently defined is seriously difficult; it is unreasonable to treat streaming as a mere optimization that implementors can provide if they choose to apply themselves to the task.

Since 2007 the W3C XSL Working Group has been working on enhancements to the XSLT language designed to make streaming a feasible proposition. A first working draft of XSLT 2.1 has been published (Kay2010b), and an overview of the design approach is available in Kay2010a.

This paper describes how streaming is implemented in the Saxon XSLT processor (Saxonica). This is influenced by the work of the W3C specification, but it is by no means an exact match to the specification in its current form: many features that should be streamable according to the specification are not yet streamable in Saxon, while Saxon succeeds in streaming some constructs that are non-streamable according to XSLT 2.1.

Streaming facilities in Saxon have been developed over a number of years, and have become gradually more sophisticated in successive releases. In order to aid understanding, the facilities are therefore presented as a narrative, describing enhancements as they were introduced in successive releases. This includes features that have been implemented but not yet released at the time of writing, in what is destined to be Saxon 9.3.

Streamed XPath in the Schema Validator

Since version 8.0, released in June 2004, Saxon has incorporated an XML Schema 1.0 processor. This was introduced to underpin the schema-aware capabilities of the (then draft) XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 specifications, but can also be used as a freestanding validator in its own right.

XML Schema 1.0 (XSD 1.0) allows uniqueness and referential constraints to be expressed by means of XPath expressions. For example, in a schema describing XSLT stylesheet documents, the constraint that every with-param element within an call-template element must have a distinct value for its name attribute might be expressed as follows:

      <xs:element name="call-template" type="call-template-type">
          <xs:selector xpath="xsl:with-param"/>
          <xs:field xpath="@name"/>

In this example the two XPath expressions are very simple. XSD 1.0 allows them to be rather more complicated than these examples, but they are still restricted to a very small subset of XPath: downward selection only; no predicates; union operator allowed at the top level only. The specification explicitly states the reason why the subset is so small:

In order to reduce the burden on implementers, in particular implementers of streaming processors, only restricted subsets of XPath expressions are allowed in {selector} and {fields}.

It was important to the designers of XML Schema 1.0 that a validator should be able to process its input document in a pure streaming manner with no buffering, and a subset of XPath was chosen to make this viable.

Accordingly, Saxon 8.0 included in its schema processor a streamed implementation of this XPath subset.

For various reasons, the schema validator in Saxon was implemented as a push pipeline (Kay2009); the component for evaluating uniqueness and referential constraints forms one of the steps in this pipeline. A SAX XML parser generates a sequence of parsing events (startElement, endElement, etc) which are piped into the validator, which in turn passes them on to the next stage in the process, whatever that might be. Streamed XPath evaluation therefore operates in push mode, and this design choice continues to affect the way the design evolves today. One of the great advantages of a push pipeline is that it is easy to direct parsing events to many different consumers: this is particularly useful with uniqueness constraints because many such constraints can be under evaluation at any one time, scoped to the same or different parent elements.

The despatching of events to the listeners involved in evaluating a uniqueness constraint is handled by a component called the WatchManager; each of the listening components is called a Watch. For the example constraint given, the process is as follows:

  1. When the startElement event for the xsl:call-template element is notified by the parser, the validator for the xsl:call-template element is fired up. This creates a SelectorWatch for the uniqueness constraint. The SelectorWatch maintains a table of key values that have been encountered (initially empty) so that it can check these for uniqueness.

  2. All parsing events are now notified to this SelectorWatch. For each event, it checks whether the ancestor path in the document matches the path given in the xs:selector element. In this case this is simply a test whether the event is a startElement event for an xsl:with-param element. More generally, it is essentially a match of one list of element names against another list of element names, taking account of the fact that the // operator can appear at the start of the path to indicate that it is not anchored to the root xsl:call-template element. When the matching startElement event is encountered, the SelectorWatch instantiates a FieldWatch to process any nodes that match the expression in the xs:field element.

  3. The FieldWatch is now notified of all parsing events, and when the @name attribute is encountered, it informs the owning SelectorWatch, which checks that its value does not conflict with any value previously notified. This process is more complex than might appear, because there can be multiple xs:field elements to define a composite key, and furthermore, the field value can be an element rather than an attribute, in which case it may be necessary to assemble the value from multiple text nodes separated by comments or processing instructions. It is also necessary to check that the FieldWatch fires exactly once. (A simplifying factor, however, is that XSD requires the element to have simple content.)

  4. After detecting a startElement event that matches its path expression, the SelectorWatch must remain alert for further matching events. Before the corresponding endElement event is encountered, another matching startElement might be notified. This cannot happen in the above example. But consider the constraint that within each section of a chapter, the figure numbers must be unique:

          <xs:element name="chapter" type="call-template-type">
              <xs:selector xpath=".//section"/>
              <xs:field xpath=".//figure"/>

    It is entirely possible here for chapters to be nested within chapters, and for sections to be nested within sections. (It is not possible for figures to be nested within figures, however: the node selected by the xs:field element must have simple content.) The WatchManager may therefore be distributing events simultaneously to a large number of Watch instances, even for a single uniqueness constraint; at the same time, of course, other uniqueness constraints may be active on the same elements or on different elements at a different level of the source tree.

Streaming Copy

The next step in Saxon's journey towards becoming a streaming XSLT processor was to exploit the mechanisms described in the previous section in contexts other than schema validation. This was introduced in Saxon 8.5, released in August 2005, and subsequently extended. The facility used standard XSLT 2.0 syntax, but required the user to write code in a highly stereotyped way for streaming to be possible.

Initial implementation of Streaming Copy

Typically, the user would write code like this:

<xsl:function name="f:customers">
  <xsl:copy-of select="doc('customers.xml')/*/customer"
       saxon:read-once="yes" xmlns:saxon=""/>

<xsl:template name="main">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="f:customers()"/>


Without the processing hint expressed by the saxon:read-once attribute, this code would parse the source document customers.xml and build a tree representation of the document in memory. It would then search the tree for the elements matching the path /*/customer, and for each of these in turn it would create a copy of the subtree rooted at this element, returning it from the function and then applying templates to it.

It is easy to see that in this operation, building the tree representation of the large customers.xml document is unnecessary; it can be bypassed if the elements matching /*/customer can be recognized in the event stream issuing from the XML parser. Instead of one large tree, the processor can build a series of smaller trees, each representing a single customer record. So long as the size of the customer record is kept within bounds, there is then no limit on the number of customer records present in the input document. This is sometimes referred to as windowing or burst-mode streaming: the source document is processed as a sequence of small trees, rather than as one large tree.

The use of the xsl:copy-of instruction here is significant. In the implementation, there is no physical copying taking place, because the original whole-document tree is never built. But the result is equivalent to the result of building the whole-document tree and then copying the sequence of subtrees. In particular, the nodes in one subtree are not linked in any way to the nodes in other subtrees; there is no way the application can navigate outside the boundaries of a subtree. Attempting to retrieve the ancestors or siblings of the customer element returns nothing, just as it would with a true subtree copy.

Saxon implements this construct by reusing the WatchManager machinery described in the previous section. Having analyzed the select attribute of the xsl:copy-of instruction to confirm that it satisfies the constraints on streamable XPath expressions, the document customers.xml is then processed using a SAX parser which sends parsing events to a WatchManager which in this case notifies a new kind of Watch, a CopyWatch, of the start and end of elements matching the path expression; between these start and end events, the CopyWatch is notified of all intermediate events and uses these to build a tree representing the customer element.

Note again that two elements matching the path can be active at the same time. This cannot happen with the example above, because the path /*/customer has a fixed depth. But change the example to //section, and it is clear that the set of section elements selected by the path can include one section that is a subtree of another. This situation requires some internal buffering: the language semantics require that the sections are delivered in document order, which means that the outermost section must be delivered before its nested sections. The trees representing the nested sections must therefore be held in memory, to be released for processing only when the endElement event for the outermost section is notified. The code is written so that it is always prepared to do this buffering; in practice, it is very rarely needed, and no extra costs are incurred in the case where it is not needed. In some cases it would be possible to determine statically that no buffering will be needed, but this knowledge confers little benefit.

The reader may be puzzled by the choice of name for the attribute saxon:read-once="yes". Although the implementation of the xsl:copy-of instruction in streaming mode is very different from the conventional execution plan, the functional behaviour is identical except in one minor detail: there is no longer a guarantee that if the customers.xml file is read more than once within the same transformation, its contents will be the same each time. At the time this feature was first implemented, the XSLT 2.0 conformance rules required implementations to deliver stable results in this situation. The streaming implementation necessarily departed from this rule (the only practical way to enforce the rule is to make an in-memory copy of the tree), so the saxon:read-once attribute was provided as a way for the user to assert that the file would not be read more than once, thus licensing the non-conformance in the case where the assertion was not honoured. In the final version of the XSLT 2.0 specification, there was explicit provision that implementations were allowed to provide a user option to waive the stability requirement for the doc() function, thus making this extension conformant.

A further complication in the implementation is caused by the fact that the CopyWatch component delivers its results (the sequence of small customer trees) using a push interface (it calls the next component in the pipeline to deliver each one in turn), whereas the xsl:apply-templates instruction that calls the user-defined function expects to use a pull interface (it calls the XPath engine to deliver each one in turn). There is thus a push-pull conflict, which is resolved using the design described in Kay2009 and shown in Figure 2. The push code operates in one thread, writing the sequence of customer trees to a cyclic buffer, which is then read by a parallel thread delivering the trees in response to requests from the xsl:apply-templates instruction.

Figure 2: Figure 2: Two-thread processing model

Thread One contains the parser and the push-mode evaluation of the streaming path expression (the WatchManager and CopyWatch). This emits a sequence of small trees (each representing one customer record) to the cyclic butter, from where they are read by the pull-mode XPath engine running in Thread Two. Arrow represent flow of control.

Refinements of the Streaming Copy feature

In releases subsequent to Saxon 8.5, the streaming copy mechanism described in the previous section was enhanced in a number of ways, without changing its fundamentals.

In Saxon 8.8 (September 2006) two changes were made. Firstly, the set of XPath expressions that could be handled in streaming mode was extended, to include union expressions and simple predicates. Secondly, the need for the two-thread model was eliminated in cases where no further processing of the copied subtrees was required: for example, in a transformation whose output contained these subtrees without modification.

In Saxon 9.1 (July 2008) the mechanism was extended to XQuery, via a new extension function saxon:stream(), which was also made available in XSLT. This might be regarded as a pseudo-function: the call saxon:stream(doc('customers.xml')/*/customer) delivers a copy of the value of its argument (that is, a sequence of customer subtrees), but it requires its argument to conform to the syntax of streamable path expressions. [1]

In Saxon 9.2 (August 2009) a further refinement was introduced to allow the processing of the input stream to terminate prematurely. For example, the query saxon:stream(doc('customers.xml')/*/@version) will return the value of the version attribute from the outermost element of the document, and will read no further once this has been seen. This makes it possible to obtain information from near the start of an XML document in constant time, regardless of the document size, which is especially useful in a pipeline when making decisions on how to route a document for processing based on information in its header. (It's a moot point whether this is consistent with the requirement in the XML 1.0 specification that all well-formedness errors in a document must be reported to the application. But the facility is so useful that we can ignore the standards-lawyers on this one.)

Streaming with Retained State

A limitation of the streaming copy approach as outlined above is that there is no way of using the information in a subtree once the processing of that subtree has finished; so there is no way that the processing of one subtree can influence the processing of subsequent subtrees. (Saxon always had a workaround to this problem, the deprecated saxon:assign instruction which introduces mutable variables to the language; but this plays havoc with optimisation).

An answer to this problem was found in the form of the xsl:iterate instruction defined in the XSLT 2.1 working draft. This was implemented in Saxon 9.2 in the Saxon namespace (as saxon:iterate), but I will present it using the W3C syntax, which becomes available in Saxon 9.3.

Consider the problem of processing a sequence of transaction elements, and outputting the same sequence of elements but with an additional attribute holding the running balance on the account, obtained by accumulating the values of all the preceding transactions.

The classic solution to this would use sibling recursion:

        <xsl:template match="transaction">
          <xsl:param name="balance" as="xs:decimal"/>
          <transaction value="{@value}" balance="{$balance + @value}"/>
          <xsl:apply-templates select="following-sibling::transaction[1]">
             <xsl:with-param name="balance" select="$balance + @value"/>

There are a number of difficulties with this approach. Firstly, everyone who has taught XSLT appears to agree that students have considerable difficulty producing the code above as the solution to this exercise, despite its brevity and apparent simplicity. Secondly, it relies rather heavily on the XSLT processor implementing tail call optimization; if you run this on a variety of popular XSLT processors, many of them will run out of stack space after processing 500 or so transactions, showing that they do not implement this optimization. Finally, the analysis needed to demonstrate that a streaming implementation of this code is feasible is far from easy, and one suspects that minor departures from this particular way of writing the code will invalidate any such analysis.

For all these reasons, XSLT 2.1 introduces a new instruction xsl:iterate, which allows the solution to be expressed as follows:

        <xsl:iterate select="transaction">
          <xsl:param name="balance" as="xs:decimal" select="0"/>
          <transaction value="{@value}" balance="{$balance + @value}"/>
             <xsl:with-param name="balance" select="$balance + @value"/>

This has the appearance of a simple loop rather than functional recursion; it behaves like the familiar xsl:for-each instruction with the added ability to set a parameter after the processing of one value which is then available for use when processing the next. A key difference compared with the recursive solution is that the set of transactions to be processed is identified in one place, the select attribute of the xsl:iterate instruction, rather than being the product of a sequence of independent calls on following-sibling. A useful consequence of this difference is that termination is guaranteed.

Another way of looking at xsl:iterate is as syntactic sugar for the foldl higher-order function found in many functional programming languages: this applies a user-supplied function (the body of xsl:iterate) to each item of an input sequence (the value of the select expression), with each iteration delivering an accumulated value of some kind, which is made available as a parameter to the user-supplied function when called to process the next item.

Saxon 9.2 implements this new instruction (albeit in its own namespace) and allows the select expression to select the stream of subtrees arising from a streaming copy operation: for example <xsl:iterate select="saxon:stream(doc('transactions'xml')/*/transaction">. By this means, information computed while processing one input transaction can be made available while processing the next. The implementation of xsl:iterate in fact knows nothing about streaming; it is processing the sequence of subtrees just as it would process any other sequence of items.

Limitations of Streaming Copy

The streaming copy feature has enabled many applications to be written using Saxon that would otherwise have been impossible because of the size of the input document. Many of the streaming use cases published by the W3C Working Group (Cimprich2010) can be implemented using this feature. But despite the various refinements that have been described, there are some serious limitations:

  • There is no way of getting access to part of the streamed source document other than what is contained in the copied subtrees. This problem can be mitigated by using a union expression to select all the data that is needed. However, the programming then becomes rather complex.

  • The design pattern works well with "hedge-like" source documents: those where the hierarchy fans out quickly to a large number of small subtrees. But there are many large source documents that do not fit into this pattern - this arises particularly with "document-oriented" XML, but also for example with GML (Geography Markup Language) [gml] where individual geographical features represented in the data stream can each be of considerable size.

These limitations arise because streaming copy treats the input document as a flat sequence of elements, not really as a hierarchy. To address these limitations, it is necessary to restore the ability to process the input tree using recursive descent using template rules. The way in which template rules can be made to work in a streaming manner is the subject of the next section.

Streaming Templates

Consider a stylesheet containing the following two rules:

      <xsl:template match="*">
      <xsl:template match="note"/>

This follows a familiar coding pattern: first a generic template which acts as the default processing for all elements in the source document (this example copies the element to the output, sans attributes, and uses the xsl:apply-templates instruction to invoke recursive processing of its children); then one or more templates for specific named elements to process them in a way that differs from the general rule. The effect of this stylesheet is to copy the source document to the result document unchanged except for the loss of all attributes, and of elements named note together with their descendants.

It is easy to see how this stylesheet could be implemented in a single pass over the source document, without building an in-memory tree. A simple filter can be applied to events emanating from the parser before passing them on to the serializer: all events are passed on unchanged, except for (a) events representing attribute nodes and (b) events that occur between the startElement event and corresponding endElement event for a note element.

In XSLT 2.1 streamability is a property of a mode (Kay2010a). If a mode is declared to be streamable, then all the template rules in that mode must obey the restrictions placed on streamable templates. The analysis defined in the XSLT 2.1 specification to determine streamability is rather complex; the rules currently implemented in Saxon are much simpler (and in most cases, more restrictive), while still allowing a wide class of transformations to be expressed. I will present first the Saxon 9.2 implementation, which is relatively easy to understand, and then the Saxon 9.3 extensions, which add considerable complexity and power.

Streaming Templates in Saxon 9.2

Saxon 9.2 follows the principle that streamability is a property of a mode, though its restrictions on streamable templates are far more severe than those in the XSLT 2.1 draft. The rules for streamable templates can be summarised (in simplified form) as follows:

  • The match pattern must contain no predicates.

  • The template body may contain at most one drill-down construct. This may be an xsl:apply-templates instruction with defaulted select expression, or one of the following expressions or instructions applied to the context node: xsl:copy-of, xsl:value-of, string(), data() (or implicit atomization), or one of a small number of other constructs.

  • The drill-down construct may have only the following as its containing (ancestor) instructions: xsl:element, literal result elements, xsl:value-of, xsl:attribute, xsl:comment, xsl:processing-instruction, xsl:result-document, xsl:variable, xsl:sequence.

  • Apart from the drill-down construct and its ancestors, any expression within the template that has a dependency on the context item must fall into one of the following categories: (a) a function (for example, local-name() or exists()) that returns a local property of the node, or of one of its attributes or ancestors, or of an attribute of an ancestor; (b) an expression that returns the string value or typed value of an attribute of the node or an attribute of one of its ancestors.

The effect of these rules is that the stylesheet given above, with the addition of the declaration <xsl:mode streamable="yes"/>[2], is fully streamable.

These rules allow a wide variety of transformations to be expressed. However, they impose many arbitrary restrictions. For example, a template cannot contain the instruction <xsl:value-of select=". + 3"/>, because an addition expression (+) is not an acceptable ancestor of the implicit drill-down construct data(.). To get around this restriction, it is possible to bind a variable to the value of data(.) and then perform the addition using the value of the variable.

To understand the reason for such arbitrary restrictions, it is necessary to understand something of the architecture of the implementation: whose explanation, indeed, is the main purpose of this paper.

Traditionally, Saxon constructed the source tree using a push pipeline. XSLT instructions were then interpreted, and by-and-large, they evaluated their XPath subexpressions using a pull pipeline of iterator objects navigating the source tree, and generated output (including temporary trees) by pushing SAX-like events to a serializer or tree builder pipeline. To implement streaming templates, this model has been turned upside-down, almost literally. During streamed evaluation, everything operates in push mode, driven by events coming from the XML parser. In effect, the code implementing a template rule operating in push mode is a Jackson inversion (Kay2009) of the code used to implement the same template rule in the traditional architecture. This inversion is analogous to rewriting a top-down parser as a bottom-up parser: instead of the application being in control and making getNextInput() calls to the parser, the application becomes event-driven and is called when new input is available. In consequence, the application has to maintain its own stack to represent the current state; it can no longer rely on the call stack maintained by the compiler of the implementation language.

The inverted code for a template is generated by the XSLT compiler, and consists (in Saxon 9.2) of a sequence of pre-descent actions, a drill-down action, and a sequence of post-descent actions. The pre-descent actions generally involve writing startElement events or evaluating complete instructions; the post-descent actions similarly involve either complete instructions or endElement actions. These correspond to the instructions that are permitted as ancestors of the drill-drown construct: mainly instructions such as xsl:element, which are classified as divisible instructions representing the fact that their push-mode execution can be split into two halves, realised by the entry points processLeft() and processRight(). The drill-down action is one of apply, copy-of, value-of, or skip, and indicates what is to be done with the content of the matched element (the events that occur after the startElement that activates the template rule and before the corresponding endElement). The value skip causes these events to be skipped, and arises when the template rule contains no drill-down construct. The value copy-of indicates that a subtree is to be built from these events; value-of indicates that a string is to be constructed by concatenating the text nodes and ignoring everything else. Finally, the value apply indicates that the events should be matched against template rules for the relevant mode; when a match occurs, the selected template rule will then receive the events until the matching endElement event occurs.

This is all implemented using the a StreamingDespatcher that despatches events to the relevant template rules. This functions in a very similar way to the WatchManager described earlier, and in the current Saxon 9.3 code base the two despatching classes have been combined into one.

Streamable Templates in Saxon 9.3

Saxon 9.3 (not yet released at the time of submitting this paper) extends streamable templates to handle a much larger subset of the XSLT language, while still falling a little short of the capabilities defined in the XSLT 2.1 draft.

The first extension is in the area of match patterns for templates. Saxon 9.3 integrates the two concepts of a match pattern and a streamable XPath expression. This makes sense because both are implemented by testing to see whether a given node matches the pattern; the only difference is that with an XSLT match pattern in non-streaming mode, the predicates can contain XPath expressions that perform arbitrary tree navigation. For XSD selector and field expressions, the parsing still artificially restricts the path expression to conform to the XSD-defined XPath subset, but the object that results from the parsing, and that is used at run-time, is a Pattern object equivalent that used when starting from an XSLT match pattern. The pattern used in a streamable template rule can be any XSLT pattern provided it does not contain a predicate that is positional (for example, is numeric or calls position() or last()) or that uses the child, descendant, descendant-or-self, following, following-sibling, preceding, or preceding-sibling axes.

The body of the template rule is inverted in the same way as with Saxon 9.2, but the rules for what it may contain are less restrictive. There is still a rule that only one downward selection is allowed: more specifically, in the expression tree (abstract syntax tree) representing the body of the template rule, there must be only one leaf node whose path to the root of the expression tree contains a downwards selection. This path through the expression tree is referred to as the streaming route. This rule is relaxed in the case where the template contains a conditional instruction such as xsl:choose; in this case each branch of the conditional may make downwards selections. Unlike the XSLT 2.1 draft, Saxon does not currently allow a node in the streamed input document to be bound to a variable, or passed as a parameter to another template or function. A further rule is that the template must not return a node in the streamed document (for example, <xsl:sequence select="."/>) - this is because there is no way of analyzing what the caller attempts to do with such a node.

It is also possible, of course, for the template rule to make no downward selection at all: this results in the subtree below the matched node being skipped.

All the expressions that appear on the streaming route must be capable of push evaluation, that is, they must have an implementation that is event-driven. Saxon supports push evaluation at two different levels of granularity (Kay2009), parse-event granularity and item granularity; the corresponding event streams are referred to respectively as decomposed or composed streams. In the first case the expression evaluator is notified every time a parse event occurs (for example, startElement and endElement). In the second case, it is notified only for complete XDM items (nodes or atomic values). The sum() function supports push evaluation at the item level, which means that given the expression sum(.//value), each descendant value element is assembled as a complete node, which is then atomized, and the resulting atomic values are notified one by one to the sum implementation, which adds each one in turn to the running total. By constrast, the functions count() and exists() have implementations that work at the parse-event level, which means that there is no need to build the nodes being counted as trees in memory: thus count(.//employee) merely tallies the startElement events that match its argument expression .//employee without ever building a tree representation of an employee element.

A push component that takes a composed stream (XDM items) as input is referred to as a feed; an evaluator that works on a decomposed stream (parse events) is referred to as a watch. This classification is based on the nature of the input stream. Orthogonally, the component may deliver its result as either a composed or decomposed stream: so there are four categories overall: a composing and decomposing Watch, and a composing and decomposing Feed. Examples of the four categories are shown in the table below:

Table I

Input/Output Composed Decomposed
Composed remove($in, 3) <e>{$in}</e>
Decomposed data($in) <xsl:for-each select="$in"/>

In general, the flow is that decomposed events arrive from the source XML parser. After some processing they are turned into composed items; these are then further processed, and eventually decomposed into events to be sent to the serializer. To make this more concrete consider the streaming template:

        <xsl:template match="emp">
          <employee name="{@name}" nr="{@empNr}">
            <xsl:value-of select="distinct-values(skills/skill)"/>

The streaming route here contains a literal result element (employee), the xsl:value-of instruction, the distinct-values() function call, and the path expression skills/skill. It also contains expressions added by the compiler, reflecting the implicit atomization and type checking performed by the distinct-values() function, and the implicit call on string-join() that is performed to insert separator spaces on behalf of the xsl:value-of instruction. The full expression tree is shown in Figure 3, with the streaming route highlighted.

Figure 3: Figure 3: The expression tree of a template, showing the streaming route

The expression tree omits some nodes, for example type-checking operators, for clarity. The highlighted "path" node acts as the Watch, looking for events coming from the parser that match the pattern skills/skill. The data() node composes these events into strings representing the typed value of the skill elements; these are fed through the operators found on the streaming route until they reach the <employee> element constructor, which delivers a stream of events representing the newly constructed element. Typically these events go straight to the serializer. The parts of the expression tree that are not on the streaming route (the two attribute constructors) are evaluated in pull-mode as normal.

The distinct-values() function implicitly atomizes its input. So the first thing that happens to the incoming data is that it is sent to a TypedValueWatch: this takes in a decomposed sequence of events and outputs a composed sequence of atomic values representing the typed values of the skill elements. This is piped into a type checker that checks that the values in this sequence are all strings. The type-checked csequence is then piped into the component that evaluates the distinct-values() function, which again outputs a composed stream (this being identical to its input stream except that values are removed from the stream if they have been encountered before). The xsl:value-of instruction is initially compiled into a pipeline of primitive instructions that first joins adjacent text nodes, then atomizes, then inserts separators between adjacent strings, then converts the resulting string to a text node; in this case the optimizer knows from type analysis that the first two steps are superfluous, so we are left with a pipeline that takes a composed sequence of strings as its input, and produces a composed sequence comprising a single text node as its output. Finally, the component representing the literal result element employee takes this composed input, and produces decomposed output consisting of a startElement event, two attribute events, a text node event, and an endElement event. Typically these events will be sent directly to the serializer.

An expression, of course, may have more than one sub-expression, and it may be capable of push evaluation in respect of some of those sub-expressions but not others. All expressions support push evaluation in respect of sub-expressions that are singletons (cardinality zero-or-one). Thus, for example, the expression (sum(.//value) + 1) is streamable, because although there is no specific support for evaluating the addition in push mode, the system is capable of constructing the two singleton arguments and using the conventional pull-mode addition. Many expressions also benefit from a generic implementation in cases where an argument is a non-singleton sequence. This generic implementation buffers the argument sequence in memory and then uses the pull-mode implementation once the sequence is complete. This of course is not pure streaming, but it provides useful scaffolding to enable less commonly used expressions to appear in a streaming template while awaiting a pure streaming implementation. Currently this mechanism is used for comparison expressions such as .//value = 17 (recall that in XPath, this returns true if at least one of the value elements is equal to 17); there is no technical reason that prevents the creation of a pure push-mode implementation of a general comparison expression with respect to either argument, but it has not yet been implemented, and it is not a top priority because in the vast majority of cases the arguments actually turn out to be singletons.

The compile-time template inversion process operates by means of a recursive walk of the expression tree. At every level there must be at most one branch that performs downward selection; this branch is taken, and by this means the streaming route is identified. The process then attempts to identify the longest suffix of the streaming route that constitutes a streamable pattern. For example, if the body of the template is <xsl:value-of select="sum(.//value) + 1"/>, the streamable pattern is .//value. The immediate parent of this pattern on the streaming route must always be an expression that can be evaluated as a Watch. The number of expressions implemented as a Watch is suprisingly small:

  • TypedValueWatch handles all expressions that use the atomized value of the selected nodes.

  • StringValueWatch handles all expressions that use the string value of the selected nodes.

  • CountWatch handles the count(), exists(), and empty() functions.

  • CopyWatch (the one we met earlier) handles xsl:copy-of.

  • VoidWatch is used for templates or branches of a conditional that make no downwards selection.

  • SimpleContentWatch implements the rules for instructions such as xsl:value-of and xsl:attribute; specifically, it concatenates adjacent text nodes, removes empty text nodes, and reduces all other nodes to string values.

  • ApplyTemplatesWatch is used where the downwards selection appears in the select expression of an xsl:apply-templates instruction, and also supports xsl:apply-imports and xsl:next-match.

  • ForEachWatch is used where the downwards selection appears in the select expression of an xsl:for-each instruction.

Most of these Watch implementations are composing: they emit a sequence of XDM items. The two exceptions are the ForEachWatch and the ApplyTemplatesWatch, which emit a sequence of parse events.

We have already seen the CopyWatch earlier in the paper: it is used for a simple streaming copy, as well as for xsl:copy-of instructions appearing within a streaming template. When it receives a startElement event representing an element selected by its controlling pattern (we'll assume to keep things simple that it is watching for elements), it starts building a tree. All subsequent parse events until the matching endElement are directed to this tree builder. When the tree is complete, the node at the root of the tree is emitted to the Feed that implements the parent of the xsl:copy-of instruction, that is, the parent expression in the streaming route through the expression tree.

The StringValueWatch and TypedValueWatch work in a very similar way, except that instead of building a tree from the incoming events, they construct the string value or typed value of the node by concatenating the values of those events that represent text nodes.

All these Watch implementations have a complication that has already been mentioned for Streaming Copy: a startElement event for a matching element might be notified while an existing matching element is already being processed; that is, the pattern that the Watch matches may select a node that is a descendant of another matched node. For this reason, the Watch does not actually construct the tree (or string value or typed value) directly; instead it creates an event receiver dedicated to this task, which it passes back to the WatchManager; the WatchManager then notifies all events to all active event receivers to do the necessary work, taking care of deactivating them when needed. When the endElement event occurs, the Watch passes the constructed tree to the next Feed in the streaming route only if the matched element has no matching ancestors; for an inner matched node, the tree is held in a queue until the outer tree is complete, since the outer tree comes first in document order and must therefore be notified to the waiting Feed before the inner trees. This queue again represents a departure from pure streaming; the XSLT 2.1 draft has an open issue on this question.

The ApplyTemplatesWatch is similarly notified of the startElement event for a node that matches the select expression of the xsl:apply-templates instruction. It responds to this by searching for a matching template rule — this is possible because the constraints on match patterns in a streamable template ensure that the pattern can be evaluated when positioned at the startElement event (the object representing the event, it should be mentioned, provides methods to get local properties of the node such as the name and type annotation, and also to navigate to the node's ancestors and their attributes). Having identified the template to be applied, which because it is in a streaming mode will always have been compiled with template inversion, it then gets the Watch expression identified during the analysis of the called template, and nominates this Watch expression to the WatchManager. All events up to the corresponding endElement will therefore be sent by the WatchManager to the called template, where the same process continues recursively. At the same time, the same events are being sent to the calling ApplyTemplatesWatch, because as with xsl:copy-of, it is entirely possible for the select expression of xsl:apply-templates to select an element that is a descendant of another element already being processed; the results of the processing of such nested elements will again be buffered.

The ForEachWatch operates in a very similar way to the ApplyTemplatesWatch, except that there is no need to search for a matching template. Rather, the body of the xsl:for-each instruction is compiled directly as an inverted template and is invoked unconditionally for each startElement event matching a selected node.

A similar streaming implementation has been written for xsl:iterate; none is yet available for xsl:for-each-group, but it is expected that it will follow the same principles.


Streaming of XSLT transformations has long been an aspiration, and many partial solutions have been developed over the years. It has proved difficult or impossible to create streaming implementations of the full XSLT language as defined by W3C.

The draft XSLT 2.1 specification has been developed as a solution to this problem. It defines a subset of the full XSLT language that is intended to be streamable without requiring unknown magic on the part of the implementation, and at the same time it provides extensions to the language (such as xsl:iterate) that make it possible to write powerful transformations without straying from the streamable subset. The design of the language is informed by experience with both XSLT 2.0 and STX, and by a large collection of use cases describing problems that benefit from a streamed implementation.

Successive releases of Saxon, some predating this work and some influenced by it, have provided partial solutions to the streaming challenge with increasing levels of sophistication. At the time of writing, there are many ideas in the specification that are not yet implemented in Saxon, and there are some features in the Saxon implementation that are not yet reflected in the specification. Nevertheless, development of the language standard and of an industrial implementation are proceeding in parallel, which is always a promising indicator that standards when they arrive will be timely and viable. Both the language and the implementation, however, still need a lot more work.

Saxon's approach to the problem is based on using a push architecture end-to-end, to eliminate the source tree as an intermediary between push-based XML parsing/validation and pull-based XPath processing. Implementing the entire repertoire of XPath expressions and XSLT instructions in an event-based pipeline is challenging, to say the least. However, enough has been completed to show that the undertaking is viable, and a large enough subset is already available to users to enable some serious large-scale transformation tasks to be performed.


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[1] Looking at this syntax, one might reasonably ask whether a pull pipeline would not deliver the result with less complexity. For this example, it probably would. The push code was used primarily because it already existed and could be reused. But I think this is no accident: I tend to the view that components implemented with a push model are likely to be reusable in a wider variety of configurations. For more details on push versus pull pipelines, see Kay2009.

[2] In Saxon 9.2, the element is in the Saxon namespace as saxon:mode

Author's keywords for this paper:
XML; Streaming; Push; Program Inversion

Michael Kay


Saxonica Limited

Michael Kay is the editor of the W3C XSLT specification, and is a member of the XQuery and XML Schema Working Groups. He is the developer of the Saxon XSLT, XQuery, and XML Schema processor. He is the author of XSLT Programmer's Reference (now in its fourth edition) and a contributor to many other books.

He is a member of the Advisory Board for Balisage 2010. In 2009, he chaired the associated Symposium on Processing XML Efficiently.