The problem

SVG layout requires that the developer be in control of the dimensions of the objects that must be placed in the coordinate space. It is easy to specify (or compute based on other specifications) the size (bounding box height and width) of many SVG objects (e.g., rectangles, circles, lines), but identifying the bounding box for text is challenging because SVG text does not know its own length (and, perhaps surprisingly, its height). Developers are able to specify a @font-size, which is related to (but does not match) the height of the font (from baseline to baseline) as rendered[1], but the rendered length of a string of characters depends on the widths of the individual characters, and those widths are not exposed in any convenient, accessible way in a regular XML development environment.

Our test case for exploring and addressing the challenges <text> elements pose for layout is an SVG bar graph like the following:[2]

Sample bar graph

In this graph the bars grow up and down from a central X axis, and they bear individual slanted labels below the lowest horizontal ruling line.[3] Under those bar labels we label the X axis itself. The challenge involves determining the Y position of the general X axis label under the graph, since that position will depend on the length of the longest bar label, and will therefore vary according to the specific values of those bar labels. If you are like us, you place that general label with a combination of guesswork and trial and error and then hard-code a magic number, which—predictably and understandably—breaks as soon as you try to reuse the code with new input.[4]


This report explores two strategies for working around the difficulty of knowing the length of an SVG <text> element:

  1. The XSLT approach: As a preprocessing step before undertaking the transformation that outputs the SVG bar graph, create a mapping between characters and their individual widths by querying the font metrics.[5] Font metrics are not accessible by default to an XSLT processor, but we can extract from the font file and format them in a preprocessing step and then import a machine-accessible mapping from glyph to width into the XSLT that generates the SVG. With this approach, the length of a <text> element is presumed to be the sum of the widths of its constituent characters. If the text strings are horizontal or vertical, the length is one of the dimensions of the bounding box, and the other dimension is (approximately) the font size. If the text is rotated, we can apply trigonometric functions to the length of the text (which functions as the hypotenuse) and the angle of rotation to compute the dimensions (the adjacent and opposites sides of a right triangle) of the bounding box.

  2. The JavaScript approach: Output SVG components that must be arranged horizontally or vertically as separate <svg> elements with no width or height specified. Without our JavaScript intervention, these would wind up with a default width and height in a browser that would not match the actual dimensions of the contents. We use CSS Flexbox to arrange the <svg> elements horizontally or vertically and employ the JavaScript element.getBBox() function to compute the dimensions of the bounding box for each of the <svg> elements. We can then write the computed width and height values of each <svg> element into the DOM, effectively assigning a display width and height after loading the SVG into the browser, instead of when creating it with XSLT.

These two approaches, each of which has advantages and disadvantages, are described in more detail, with examples, below.[6]

An XSLT approach


The XSLT approach computes the dimensions of the text as it creates the SVG and positions other elements accordingly. This approach is less precise than the JavaScript method for reasons discussed below, but because in our actual use we normally want to include a small amount of padding around our <text> elements, we do not require placement with exact precision.

In the sample SVG below, we compute the length of the text (see the discussion of the XSLT Implementation, below) and employ it to draw a line parallel to horizontal or vertical text, so that we can examine the accuracy of our measurements visually.[7] (That is, the lines are not created as an underlining font effect; the lines are drawn independently of the text as SVG <line> elements.) In the case of diagonal text we draw a bounding rectangle. The third of the four examples in each figure is a null string, so we expect to see no text and no line. The images below are in SVG that is rendered in the browser, which means that the exact appearance may vary depending on browser features:

Sample horizontal text

Sample vertical text

Sample diagonal text

The examples show the following desirable results:

  • The overall precision is quite high.

  • A null string is correctly matched by a zero-length line.

At the same time, these examples reveal several limitations. One limitation to computing the dimensions of SVG <text> elements while creating them is that user agents (typically browsers) may impose small unpredictable modifications on the layout. For example, the last of the horizontal examples above specifies a @font-size of "16" (which is the SVG and CSS default when no size is specified) and computes a length of 297.703125. However, when when we open the SVG in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari and use the JavaScript getBBox() method to query the size of the bounding box, the three browsers report slightly different values for both height and width[8]

Table I

Browser Height Width
Chrome 17.796875 297.703125
Firefox 18 298.3999938964844
Safari 17.734375 297.703125
The retrieved length in Chrome and Safari matches the computed length, but the value in Firefox does not.

A second limitation to computing the dimensions of SVG <text> elements while creating them is that the height of an SVG <text> element is not fully predictable from its @font-size attribute. In the table above, we see that none of the browsers sets a height of 16 and each of them sets a different height from the others.[9]

A third limitation to computing the dimensions of SVG <text> elements while creating them is that kerning support in browsers is inconsistent, and user-controlled kerning support in SVG and CSS is unreliable. Whether you see kerning applied in the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal samples above will depend on your browser. The images below are PNG screen captures of the three samples in the versions of Firefox (left), Chrome (middle), and Safari (right) mentioned above. All three apply kerning to the horizontal text; Firefox and Chrome also apply kerning to the vertical and diagonal text, but Safari does not.

Kerning differences in browsers

SVG <text> elements may have a @kerning attribute (although support for kerning is slated for removal from SVG 2[10]) and CSS supports a font-kerning property. Browser support for both of these features is too inconsistent and unpredictable to be useful.[11]


Because this method requires knowing the widths of the individual glyphs while constructing the SVG, we first extract width information from TrueType TTF files, which we format as XML for ease of access during subsequent processing. We do this with the script in Appendix A, but that particular script is not a requirement, and any method of reading, exporting, and formatting the font metric information can be used.[12] The output of our extraction process is an XML document that looks like the following:

    fontName="Times New Roman" 
    fontPath="/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Times New Roman.ttf" 
  <character dec="32" hex="0x20" name="space" str=" " width="4.0"/>
  <character dec="33" hex="0x21" name="exclam" str="!" width="5.328125"/>
  <!-- more characters -->

We use the XPath doc() function to access this document (assigned to the variable $times-new-roman-16-mapping in this case) from within the XSLT that creates our SVG, and we compute the length (in SVG units) of the text strings with the following XSLT function:

<xsl:function name="djb:get-text-length" as="xs:double">
    <xsl:param name="in" as="xs:string"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="
            ! codepoints-to-string(.)
            ! key('lengthByChar', ., $times-new-roman-16-mapping)/@width
            => sum()"/>

This function explodes the string into a sequence of single-character strings, looks up the widths of each of them in the mapping table extracted from the font metrics, and sums the widths.[13]


In the horizontal butterfly chart below, the bars are labeled on the Y axis on the right side, and a general label for the Y axis must be positioned to the right of—but not too far to the right of—the longest bar label. Because we can compute the lengths of the bar labels, we can find the length of the longest bar, augment it with a predetermined amount of padding, and use that figure to place the general Y axis label.

Graph with horizontal bar labels

The vertical butterfly chart below illustrates a variant of the same task. In this case we set @writing-mode to "tb" (top to bottom) to create vertical text and use the longest bar label to compute the position of the general X axis label:

Graph with vertical bar labels

The strategy for positioning objects at a specific distance from rotated text is similar to the strategy for vertical text, except that instead of using the length of the diagonal text directly, we use it as input to compute the vertical space the rotated text occupies. We again start with vertical text and transform it by rotating it away from the vertical with transform="rotate()". rotate() takes three arguments: the angle of rotation (in degrees) and the X and Y coordinates of the center of rotation, which we map to the X and Y coordinates of the <text> element.[14] If we regard the length of the text as the hypotenuse of a right angle that has been rotated counter-clockwise away from true vertical, the vertical height of the rotated text is the adjacent side of the right triangle, which we can compute as hypotenuse * cosθ.[15] The graph with diagonal bar labels looks like:

Graph with diagonal bar labels


  • SVG created in this way looks, both in raw form and when rendered, like the SVG we would have created by specifying the positioning as we did previously, that is, by using trial and error to identify positioning values that produce acceptable layout and then hard-coding them. This means that adopting the XSLT approach described here does not require changing how we work with the resulting SVG, which is not the case with the JavaScript approach described below.

  • SVG created in this way does not depend on specific browser (or other user-agent) behaviors. Except for unpredictable browser kerning (or other automatic glyph-modification behavior), SVG <text> elements placed with this method should be positioned as reliably as non-text SVG elements, and the method should continue to function with the browsers of the future.

  • The XSLT-based method described here does not depend on a browser or other DOM-and-JavaScript-aware environment to compute the placement and positioning of SVG elements after the DOM content has been loaded. This means that this method may be easier to use outside browser environments.

  • Because creating SVG in this way does not require JavaScript programming, it poses a lower barrier to entry for XML developers who are not also comfortable with JavaScript development.[16]

  • This approach requires prior preparation of font metric information, an extra step that also has scalability implications because changing decisions about font families, font sizes, or other font properties requires exporting and formatting separate metric information for them. Over time developers might create libraries of font metric information for reuse, but separate metric files will be required for all combinations of font family, font size, and font effects.

  • The method described above accesses only the glyph widths, which represent a small part of the font metric information available from a font file. A more robust and accurate implementation would employ additional logic to deal with font effects (e.g., kerning, ligatures, positional glyph variants) and transformations. That information is present in the fonts, but the developer would have to locate it in the font metric tables and then export it in a usable format. We have not attempted to do that in this proof of concept demonstration.

  • Because the metrics of client-side system fonts may differ in unpredictable ways (the most extreme of which would be the complete non-availability of a font used to compute the size of a <text> element), developers may prefer to rely on webfonts, which would need to be prepared and made available. The approach described here is not compatible with font stacks because font metrics cannot be expected to be consistent across fonts, including across fonts commonly stacked.

  • The description above works with TTF fonts, but has not been tested with other font formats, such as OTF and TTC—let alone font formats of the future.

A JavaScript approach


The JavaScript approach leaves the SVG @width and @height attributes unspecified if they cannot be computed at the time the SVG is created, as is the case when the width and height depend on the dimensions of <text> elements. When the SVG is eventually loaded into a browser, a JavaScript function computes the missing dimensions and writes them into the DOM in a way that controls the layout.[17]

Because the JavaScript approach relies on JavaScript applied in the browser after the document loads, and on CSS that we specify, this method can be used only where the developer has the file system or server permissions needed to control these features. Because we cannot rely on being able to apply our own CSS and JavaScript in the context of the Balisage Proceedings in which this report is being published, the output of the JavaScript method is illustrated below with PNG screen captures.[18] The raw HTML+SVG for the mockup immediately below, with embedded CSS and JavaScript, can be found in Appendix B. All of the raw files used to create the examples based on the authentic Van Gogh data, illustrated below, are available in our GitHub repository at

Sample output of JavaScript method

Sample output of the JavaScript method. Colored outlines and borders have been added to illustrate the positions of the otherwise invisible bounding elements. Note that rotated text that crosses the bounding box is not cropped.


Because we do not specify the width or height of the rectangular viewport of our <svg> with explicit @width or @height attributes, in the absence of our JavaScript intervention the <svg> elements will assume whatever widths and heights the browser assigns as defaults. Those default values are implementation dependent, and therefore unpredictable and unusable for our purposes.[19] Additionally, <svg> elements default to a CSS display value of inline-block, which we change to block to provide more transparent control over explicit positioning.

Our general strategy relies on HTML and CSS Flexbox to manage the layout of the SVG components that cannot be positioned without information about the size of <text> elements. For this purpose what would normally be constructed as a single SVG document (e.g., a single <svg> element that contains a bar graph with all of its labels) is divided into multiple SVG documents, each wrapped in an HTML <div> or other block-level element. We use CSS Flexbox to render the <div> elements where they would have been rendered in a single, unified SVG document.[20]

We illustrate our positioning strategy in the image above. In that image the <body> contains three <section> elements, one for each of the horizontal rows (outlined in red). The display property of the <body> is set to flex with a flex-direction value of column, so that the <section> elements will be rendered from top to bottom in the browser window. The height of an HTML <section> is, unless specified explicitly in other ways, determined by the height of its contents, which, without our JavaScript interventions, would be whatever default height the browser assigns to the embedded <svg> elements. To override that default we use JavaScript to compute the actual height of the <svg> descendants of each <section> and write those values into @height attributes on the <svg> elements. Once those attributes have been added, the height of a section will be determined by the now declared height of the tallest <svg> it contains. We use the CSS row-gap property to introduce a gutter between the sections.

Each of the three <section> elements also has its display property set to flex, this time with a flex-direction value of row, so that its <div> children will be distributed horizontally across the row. We use the CSS column-gap property to introduce a gutter between the <div> elements within each row (each HTML <section>). Our JavaScript writes @width attributes with computed values into the <svg> elements alongside the @height attributes discussed above, and once the JavaScript has created those attributes, the <div> elements will occupy the horizontal space required for their SVG contents, overriding the default width values that would otherwise have been supplied by the browser.

The JavaScript that supplies explicit @width and @height values to the <svg> elements is:

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false);
function init() {
    const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div');
    for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
        bb = divs[i].querySelector('g').getBBox();
        divs[i].querySelector('svg').setAttribute('height', bb.height);
        divs[i].querySelector('svg').setAttribute('width', bb.width);

Our sample uses <div> elements only as wrappers for SVG content (not elsewhere) and we place only a single SVG <g> element inside each <svg> element, which simplifies our subsequent processing. HTML structured differently may require fine-tuning, but the general principle would be the same:

  • Structure SVG plots with separate <svg> elements for the components that cannot be positioned, relative to one another, without knowing the size of descendant <text> elements. Use as few separate SVG documents as possible, wrapping each one in an HTML <div> elements. Do not specify @width or @height on the <svg> elements.

  • Use CSS (in particular, Flexbox) properties to control the relative (but not absolute) horizontal and vertical position of the <div> elements. Control spacing between them with the Flexbox gutter properties column-gap and row-gap.

  • Use the JavaScript getBBox() method to determine the size of the bounding box for each SVG component after it has been loaded into the DOM and write the width and height into the <svg> wrapper element as @width and @height attribute values. This step converts the relative positioning above into positioning that depends on the exact computed size of the <svg> elements.


The visualizations of the Van Gogh data below were created with our JavaScript method, and have the same content as those created with the XSLT method above. For inclusion in the Balisage Proceedings we opened each of them in Firefox and captured the screen as a PNG image with a transparent background. The position of the Y axis label at the right of the first image, and of the X axis label at the bottom of the second and third, is controlled by our JavaScript function.

Horizontal graph, JavaScript method

Vertical graph, JavaScript method

Diagonal graph, JavaScript method


  • The biggest advantage of the JavaScript approach is that it does not require the preparation of font metric information in advance, which is a benefit both initially and with respect to scalability.

  • The JavaScript approach adapts to the viewing environment because it reads the actual dimensions of the SVG objects after their rendering information has been computed within the browser. This means that the dimensions will be correct for any font, including system fonts and fonts determined according to a font stack.

  • Because the JavaScript approach has access to the actual rendered dimensions, it does not require additional logic (that is, additional developer intervention) to deal with font effects (e.g., kerning, ligatures, positional glyph variants). The getBBox() method computes width and height after any such font adjustments have been applied.

  • Because the JavaScript approach relieves the developer entirely of the responsibility of computing the dimensions of SVG <text> elements by off-loading that task onto a JavaScript function that is executed in the browser, it removes an opportunity for user error.

  • The JavaScript approach requires JavaScript programming knowledge, which cannot be assumed for all XML-stack developers, and the same is true with respect to knowledge of CSS Flexbox. The actual CSS and JavaScript required is light and the examples provided here can serve as models, but both the CSS and JavaScript employed here will typically have to be adjusted according to the specific structures employed in individual projects.

  • Because we rely on HTML and CSS to support the relative positioning of the SVG components of what is conceptually a single image, this method is not convenient for the creation of stand-alone SVG.

  • Having to split what is conceptually a single SVG graph or chart into multiple <svg> elements, each inside its own HTML <div>, complicates the specification of the components of the SVG and thus creates an additional potential locus for miscalculation by the developer.

  • Although the user cannot miscalculate the dimensions of an SVG <text> element with the JavaScript method because the user does not perform that calculation directly, the user can misplace a component in the Flexbox portion of the implementation.

Centering text in an ellipse

Centering text inside an SVG ellipse is easy because the SVG <ellipse> element includes a specification of its center (@cx and @cy), and those same values can be repurposed as the @x and @y values of a contained <text> element, which will center the text inside the ellipse if the <text> element also specifies the value of both @dominant-baseline and @text-anchor as "middle". If the length of the ellipse on the X axis needs to adapt to the length of the text the ellipse will contain, we can use the XSLT method described above as input into computing the horizontal radius (@rx value) of the ellipse (half of the length of the contained text plus however much padding we want to include between the sides of the text and the surrounding ellipse), and also to position a row of ellipses with even spacing. The code in Appendix C takes a sequence of words that will be familiar to a Balisage audience, surrounds each with an ellipse that is sized according to the length of the word, and spaces the ellipses evenly, producing the following output:


Loose ends and future directions

Our XSLT approach assumes that the font metrics that can be extracted from the font files are sufficient to compute the length of an SVG line of text. Our implementation does not attempt to access kerning information, and it has not been tested on writing systems that involve character substitution (including positional glyph variation or ligation) or glyph reordering. We have confirmed that our XSLT approach is not impacted negatively by zero-width characters as long as the font metrics for those glyphs correctly report a width of zero, as is the case with the Times New Roman font that we used for testing and illustration.

Saxon-JS relies on a JavaScript implementation of the Saxon XSLT engine that is designed to perform transformations inside the browser. Insofar as Saxon-JS incorporates both XSLT and JavaScript functionality, it may support a cleaner integration of our two approaches. We do not explore a Saxon-JS strategy here.

Our definition of the problem to be solved presumes that an algorithmic solution is appropriate. Our experimentation above confirms that we can ask XSLT or JavaScript to compute the dimensions of SVG <text> elements, dimensions that we had previously regarded as unknowable (that is, not knowable in the same way as the dimensions of SVG elements like rectangles, circles, and lines), and we can use that information to automate the placement of other SVG components that must be positioned in ways that depend on the dimensions of <text> elements. At the same time, algorithmic layout as described and implemented here is a crude method because it is not sensitive to context-specific details. For example, we have assumed that the general labels on X and Y axes should be positioned not too close to and not too far from the longest data labels on those axes, but those assumptions, although self-evidently correct as far as they go, are insufficient. In practice, a human layout designer might want to customize the positioning according to specific features of the data, e.g., by labeling an axis in a way that is closer than the distance dictated by the longest data label, but that happens not to overlap that label. We have mocked up the following example to illustrate the possible placement of an axis label with coordinates that would lead to overlap with the longest data label except that the longest data label happens to be conveniently out of the way:

Sample graph with overlapping label placement

This sort of detail is also computable in principle, although it would require taking more information into consideration, and we have not attempted to do that here.


The goal of this report has been to identify strategies for working around the fact that SVG <text> elements do not know their length (and, to a lesser extent, their height), which makes it difficult to position other elements in relation to them without a combination of guesswork and a potentially tedious trial-and-error approach. Furthermore, manual positioning is brittle under reuse because it requires new human intervention whenever the visualization code is applied to different data.

We have identified, implemented, illustrated, and discussed two approaches to meeting this need, one in XSLT and one in JavaScript. Each of these approaches has advantages and disadvantages, and both have been shown to work with the authentic examples used here. We have identified some limitations and some directions for future improvement, but even with their limitations, both methods provide realistic alternatives to guesswork, trial-and-error, and magic numbers.

Appendix A. Script to extract font widths as XML

The following Python script exports the widths of all glyphs in a TrueType font. The script has two positional arguments, a required path to the font and an optional point size. If no font name is supplied, or if the supplied font is not found, the program gives the names of all fonts that it does find. The point size defaults to 16, which, unless modified with CSS, is the size of SVG text that either does not specify a @font-size or specifies a size of "medium".

#!/usr/bin/env python
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._c_m_a_p import CmapSubtable
from xml.dom import minidom
from matplotlib import font_manager
from pathlib import Path
import argparse

import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

# Validate fontname
def validateFont(fontName):
    """Find full font system path from bare name (without extensions)"""
    installed_fonts = {Path(item).stem: item for item in font_manager.findSystemFonts()}
    return installed_fonts.get(fontName) # returns None on KeyError

def allInstalledFonts():
    """Report all available fonts if user supplies erroneous value"""
    installed_fonts = {Path(item).stem: item for item in font_manager.findSystemFonts()}
    return sorted(installed_fonts.keys())

# Handle command line arguments: font name and optional size
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("ttf", help="TrueType font name without extension (quote names with spaces)")
parser.add_argument("size", help="size in points (defaults to 16pt)", type=int, nargs="?", default=16)
args = parser.parse_args()
fontName = args.ttf
size = args.size
fontPath = validateFont(fontName) # returns None for erroneous value

if not fontPath: # bail out if font not found
    print(f"Font '{fontName}' not found. Legal fontnames are:")

# from StackOverflow
font = TTFont(fontPath, fontNumber=0) # BUG: breaks on ttc, even with fontNumber; table is different?
cmap = font['cmap']
t = cmap.getcmap(3,1).cmap # map of decimal values to glyph names
s = font.getGlyphSet()
units_per_em = font['head'].unitsPerEm

def getTextWidth(text,pointSize):
    total = 0
    for c in text:
        if ord(c) in t and t[ord(c)] in s:
            total += s[t[ord(c)]].width
            total += s['.notdef'].width
    total = total*float(pointSize)/units_per_em;
    return total

# from minidom documentation
root = minidom.Document()
xml = root.createElement('metrics')
metadata = root.createElement('metadata')
metadata.setAttribute('fontName', fontName)
metadata.setAttribute('fontPath', fontPath)

c_dict = dict()
for num_dec in range(65535): # entire BMP; decimal Unicode value
    char = chr(num_dec) # character as string
    c_dict[char]= getTextWidth(char, size) # default SVG font-size is 16 (medium)

for item in c_dict.items(): # string-value : width
    char = item[0] # string value of character
    num_dec = ord(char) # Unicode value (decimal)
    num_hex = hex(num_dec) # Unicode value (hex)
    width = item[1] # glyph width
    if num_dec in t: # not all values are present in font
        name = t[num_dec] # look up name by decimal value
        e = root.createElement('character')
        e.setAttribute('str', str(char)) # attribute have to be set as strings
        e.setAttribute('dec', str(num_dec))
        e.setAttribute('hex', str(num_hex))
        e.setAttribute('width', str(width))
        e.setAttribute('name', name)

# serialize and render XML
xml_str = root.toprettyxml(indent="  ")

The output is an XML document that looks like the following:

    fontName="Times New Roman" 
    fontPath="/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Times New Roman.ttf" 
  <character dec="32" hex="0x20" name="space" str=" " width="4.0"/>
  <character dec="33" hex="0x21" name="exclam" str="!" width="5.328125"/>
  <!-- more characters -->

The SVG layout strategy described here uses the @str value to retrieve the @width value. The @dec (decimal) and @hex (hexadecimal) values are not currently used.

Appendix B. Sample HTML for JavaScript method

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
  <!-- ================================================================ -->
  <!-- Illustrates JavaScript mediated layout of SVG <text>             -->
  <!--                                                                  -->
  <!-- <body> has <section> children arranged vertically and outlined   -->
  <!--   in red                                                         -->
  <!-- <section> elements have <div> children arranged horizontally     -->
  <!--   and bordered in blue                                           -->
  <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <title>JavaScript method mockup</title>
    <style type="text/css">
      svg {
        display: block;
        overflow: visible; # for tightly rotated text
      body {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        row-gap: 1em;
      section {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: row;
        column-gap: 1em;
        outline: 4px red solid;   
      div {
        border: 2px blue solid;
    <script type="text/javascript">
      window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false);
      function init() {
        const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div');
        for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
          bb = divs[i].querySelector('g').getBBox();
          divs[i].querySelector('svg').setAttribute('height', bb.height);
          divs[i].querySelector('svg').setAttribute('width', bb.width);
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16"
              dominant-baseline="middle" dy=".5em">Sample horizontal text</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" writing-mode="tb" font-family="Times New Roman"
              font-size="16" dominant-baseline="middle" dx=".5em">Sample vertical
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" writing-mode="tb" font-family="Times New Roman"
              font-size="16" transform="rotate(-30)">Sample diagonal text (30º)</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" writing-mode="tb" font-family="Times New Roman"
              font-size="16" transform="rotate(-60)">Sample diagonal text (60º)</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16"
              dominant-baseline="middle" dy=".5em">Sample horizontal text</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16"
              dominant-baseline="middle" dy=".5em">Sample horizontal text</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" writing-mode="tb" font-family="Times New Roman"
              font-size="16" dominant-baseline="middle" dx=".5em">Sample vertical
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" writing-mode="tb" font-family="Times New Roman"
              font-size="16" transform="rotate(-30)">Sample diagonal text (30º)</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" writing-mode="tb" font-family="Times New Roman"
              font-size="16" transform="rotate(-60)">Sample diagonal text (60º)</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16"
              dominant-baseline="middle" dy=".5em">Sample horizontal text</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16"
              dominant-baseline="middle" dy=".5em">Sample horizontal text</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" writing-mode="tb" font-family="Times New Roman"
              font-size="16" dominant-baseline="middle" dx=".5em">Sample vertical
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" writing-mode="tb" font-family="Times New Roman"
              font-size="16" transform="rotate(-30)">Sample diagonal text (30º)</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" writing-mode="tb" font-family="Times New Roman"
              font-size="16" transform="rotate(-60)">Sample diagonal text (60º)</text>
        <svg xmlns="">
            <text x="0" y="0" font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16"
              dominant-baseline="middle" dy=".5em">Sample horizontal text</text>

Appendix C. XSLT to size ellipses according to contained text

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    xmlns:xs="" xmlns:djb=""
    xmlns:math="" exclude-result-prefixes="#all"
    xmlns="" version="3.0">
    <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <!-- Variables: data                                                  -->
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <xsl:variable name="texts" as="xs:string+"
        select="('There', 'is', 'nothing', 'so', 'practical', 'as', 'a', 'good', 'theory')"/>
    <xsl:variable name="text-lengths" as="xs:double+" select="$texts ! djb:get-text-length(.)"/>
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <!-- Variables: font                                                  -->
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <xsl:variable name="times-new-roman-16-mapping" as="document-node()"
    <xsl:key name="lengthByChar" match="character" use="@str"/>
    <xsl:variable name="font-size" as="xs:double"
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <!-- Constants                                                        -->
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <xsl:variable name="inter-ellipse-spacing" as="xs:integer" select="20"/>
    <xsl:variable name="text-x-padding" as="xs:integer" select="10"/>
    <xsl:variable name="y-pos" as="xs:double" select="$font-size div 2"/>
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <!-- Functions                                                        -->
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <xsl:function name="djb:get-text-length" as="xs:double" cache="yes">
        <!-- ============================================================ -->
        <!-- djb:get-text-length                                          -->
        <!--                                                              -->
        <!-- Parameters:                                                  -->
        <!--   $in as xs:string : input text string                       -->
        <!--                                                              -->
        <!-- Returns: length of text string as xs:double                  -->
        <!-- ============================================================ -->
        <xsl:param name="in" as="xs:string"/>
        <xsl:sequence select="
                ! codepoints-to-string(.)
                ! key('lengthByChar', ., $times-new-roman-16-mapping)/@width
                => sum()"/>
    <xsl:function name="djb:x-pos" as="xs:double">
        <!-- ============================================================ -->
        <!-- djb:x-pos                                                    -->
        <!--                                                              -->
        <!-- Parameters:                                                  -->
        <!--   $text-offset as xs:integer : offset of string in sequence  -->
        <!--                                                              -->
        <!-- Stylesheet variables used:                                   -->
        <!--   $inter-ellipse-spacing as xs:integer : between edges       -->
        <!--   $text-x-padding as xs:integer : padding on each side       -->
        <!--                                                              -->
        <!-- Returns: x position for center of ellipse and text           -->
        <!--   sum of: all preceding string widths                        -->
        <!--           2 * padding for all preceding                      -->
        <!--           inter-ellipse-spacing for all preceding            -->
        <!--           half width of current                              -->
        <!--           padding left of current                            -->
        <!-- ============================================================ -->
        <xsl:param name="in" as="xs:integer"/>
        <xsl:sequence select="
                $text-lengths[position() lt $in] => sum() +
                $inter-ellipse-spacing * ($in - 1) +
                $text-x-padding * ($in - 1) * 2 +
                $text-lengths[$in] div 2 +
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <!-- Main                                                             -->
    <!-- ================================================================ -->
    <xsl:template name="xsl:initial-template">
        <!-- ============================================================ -->
        <!-- Compute X values for @viewBox                                -->
        <!-- ============================================================ -->
        <xsl:variable name="text-count" as="xs:integer" select="count($texts)"/>
        <xsl:variable name="left-edge" as="xs:double" select="
                djb:get-text-length($texts[1]) div 2 +
                $text-x-padding +
                $inter-ellipse-spacing (: extra padding at start :)"/>
        <xsl:variable name="total-width" as="xs:double" select="
                sum($text-lengths) +
                $text-x-padding * 2 * $text-count +
                $inter-ellipse-spacing * ($text-count - 1) +
        <xsl:variable name="padding" as="xs:integer" select="$inter-ellipse-spacing div 2"/>
        <!-- ============================================================ -->
        <!-- Create SVG                                                   -->
        <!-- ============================================================ -->
        <svg viewBox="
            -{$left-edge + $padding} 
            -{$font-size + $padding} 
            {$total-width + 2 * $padding} 
            {($font-size + $padding) * 2}">
                <xsl:for-each select="$texts">
                    <xsl:variable name="text-offset" as="xs:integer" select="position()"/>
                    <xsl:variable name="x-pos" as="xs:double" select="
                            djb:x-pos($text-offset) (: x center of ellipse :)"/>
                    <ellipse cx="{$x-pos}" cy="{$y-pos}"
                        rx="{$text-lengths[$text-offset] div 2 + $text-x-padding}" ry="{$font-size}"
                        fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"/>
                    <text x="{$x-pos}" y="{$y-pos}" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle"
                        font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="{$font-size}">
                        <xsl:value-of select="."/>


[An intro to FontTools] Nixon, Stephen. An intro to FontTools.

[Bellamy-Royds 2017] Bellamy-Royds, Amelia. How to scale SVG. Updated on Jun 27, 2017.

[Chase 2019] Chase, William R. Font height differences between Windows and Mac. 2019.

[De Oliveira 2017] De Oliveira, Vincent. Deep dive CSS: font metrics, line-height and vertical-align. 2017.

[Gudehus 2021] Gudehus, Benjamin. Vertical text alignment in SVG.

[SVG 2.0, Kerning] Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2 W3C Candidate Recommendation 04 October 2018. § The kerning property.

[1] If the user does not specify a font size, the default is 16 pixels, which corresponds to specifying the value "medium" for a @font-size attribute on the SVG <text> element. See below concerning the actual height of SVG <text> elements, which is not the same as the value of the declared or implicit @font-size.

[2] The sample graphs for this report are based on materials from Charlie Taylor’s Van Gogh as a ‘tortured genius’ (,, which she undertook in Spring 2020 together with Colin Woelfel, Nate McDowell, and Rachel Saula as part of David J. Birnbaum’s Computational methods in the humanities course ( in the University Honors College at the University of Pittsburgh.

[3] There is no data for two of the places because the developers used all place names in their corpus for all graphs even though not all places included data for every graph. In this example, letters written in Brussels and Nuenen within the corpus did not address mental health or stress factors, although letters from those places did contribute data to graphs of other topics. The place names are sorted and labeled according to their first appearance in the corpus, and the labels are not meant to imply that Van Gogh did not return to some of those places in later years.

[4] Placing the general horizontal X axis label more precisely in a way that takes into account the lengths and positions of all of the bar labels (and not only the length of the longest one) is a more complicated version of the same task. For example, if the leftmost and rightmost bar labels are the longest, a human designer might choose to place the general X axis label, if it is short enough, between them, instead of fully below them. Similarly, a human designer might choose, if the bar labels happen to be longer on one side of the graph than the other, to place the general X axis label on the shorter side, below the bar labels on that side, instead of centering it.

Our modest goal is simply to place the general label for the X axis with reliable precision below the longest bar label. Whether the more exact placement described above would be worth the extra effort cannot be determined in any general way, but because it builds on the same methods as the simpler task, it could, at least in principle, be implemented as an extension of the solution to that simpler task by taking more measurements into consideration when placing the label.

[5] Character refers to an informational unit of writing independently of its presentation. Glyph refers to a font resource used to render a character. A text string in our SVG is made up of characters; the rendering of the text inside a browser is a made up of glyphs.

The distinction between character and glyph is important in many contexts because it is not necessarily one to one. For example, the writing unit "ä" may be represented as either a single composite character (Unicode U+00E4 Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis) or a sequence of two Unicode characters, one for the base character "a" (U+0061 Latin Small Letter A) and one for the combining diacritic (U+0308 Combining Diaeresis). Whether a writing unit is represented as two (or more) characters informationally or as one is independent of whether it is rendered in a browser or other platform as two (or more) glyphs or as one.

In this report we use both terms because we focus on situations where the mapping between characters and glyphs is one to one, or where the distinction does not affect the computation of text length.

[6] We are grateful to the colleagues who participated in the discussion we opened about this topic in the Slack workspace, and especially to Gerrit Imsieke and Liam Quin. Slack postings are ephemeral, but although that conversation will not be preserved, we are happy to be able to acknowledge it, more sustainably, here.

[7] Browsers interpret the values of the SVG @dominant-baseline attribute inconsistently. See Gudehus 2021 for discussion, an interactive diagnostic interface, and a suggested work-around, which we have adopted where needed in this report.

[8] We tested these examples under MacOS 11.3.1 (Big Sur) with Chrome Version 90.0.4430.212 (Official Build) (x86_64), Firefox Developer 89.0b11 (64-bit), and Safari Version 14.1 (16611.

[9] The common assumption that a @font-size value specifies the vertical distance between baselines is incorrect because, among other things, the actual spacing depends on the font design, and not only on font size. See De Oliveira 2017 for details and discussion, as well as Chase 2019. In principle it should be possible to extract the actual height from the font metrics, as we do for character width, but we have not explored that possibility for this report.

[11] With no SVG @kerning attribute, with an SVG @kerning attribute value of "auto" (the default, which enables kerning), and with an SVG @kerning attribute value of "0" (disables kerning), kerning was applied consistently to horizontal text in all three browsers and to vertical (@writing-mode="tb") text in Firefox and Chrome, but not in Safari. The CSS font-kerning property worked as advertised in horizontal text in all three browsers, and had no effect on vertical text in any of them: kerning was always applied to vertical text in Firefox and Chrome and never applied to vertical text in Safari.

Kerning can be either positive or negative. Negative kerning decreases the space between glyphs, and is used where allowing the bounding boxes around two characters to overlap makes them appear more evenly spaced to a human, as is the case with the sequence AV. Positive kerning increases the space between glyphs, and may be used when rounded letters would otherwise look too close together (e.g., OC). Because kerning contributes, positively or negatively, to the overall length of the text, the sum of glyph widths in the string may only approximate the actual width of the bounding box, since some <text> elements may become longer or (less commonly) shorter when kerning is applied. It is possible to extract kerning information from a font file, as we already do with glyph widths, but because, for reasons described above, it is not possible to control kerning reliably in the rendering, we cannot be confident that our computed widths would match the rendered widths even with that additional adjustment.

[12] In its current form our script to extract glyph widths processes only TTF fonts and fails on, for example, TTC and OTF. Those font formats also include metric information, which means that we could amend our script to process them, as well.

[13] The function can also help find the bounding box of multiline text where each line is a <tspan> child of the <text> element. The length of the <text> element then becomes the length of its longest child <tspan> element, and the height of the <text> element becomes the sum of the heights of all <tspan> child elements.

For that matter, we could reverse our perspective and instead of letting the text length tell us the length of the SVG <text> element, we could use our function to compute the lengths of individual words as input into a line-wrapping routine that breaks a single text string into <tspan> elements that fit within a predetermined <text> size. We have not attempted these enhancements in this report, but they are natural next steps insofar as they depend on the same type of information as the <text> handling that we do implement.

[14] This approach rotates the text around its starting position (left edge and vertical center in this left-to-right example), so that the upper left corner of the diagonal rendering protrudes slightly to the left and top of the center of rotation. Because we do not require high precision, we ignore these protrusions in positioning our elements, and we set the CSS overflow property to visible where needed to ensure that the image is not cropped. An alternative approach might be to add single space characters at the beginning and end of the string before performing our computation, so that any overlap after rotation would affect only the invisible space characters, and not the visible text.

[15] Inconveniently, SVG rotation requires that angles be expressed in degrees, while XPath trigonometic functions in the math: namespace require that they be expressed in radians. We convert degrees to radians with radians = degrees * π / 180. The width of the text, should we need it, is the opposite side of the angle, and its length can be determined as hypotenuse * sinθ.

[16] We used Python to create XML font metrics files, but Python programming knowledge is not a requirement to access font metric information inside font files. Among other things, there is an open-source stand-alone command-line ttx program that can export metric information from fonts as XML. See An intro to FontTools for more information.

[17] Our JavaScript method, as applied to real data (see the Van Gogh examples, below), uses XSLT to create the SVG. What we mean, then, when we refer to this method as a JavaScript approach (contrasted to an XSLT approach, above) is that we use JavaScript, rather than XSLT, specifically to compute the size of SVG <text> elements so that we can use those sizes to position other SVG elements. Except for the dimensions of <text> elements, both methods use XSLT computation to transform XML source documents to SVG.

[18] Our screen captures in this case are taken from the Firefox version identified above, but we have verified that the method yields a comparable rendering (except for cosmetic differences in browser defaults) in Chrome and Safari.

[19] As of 2017:

The default size for HTML replaced elements will be used: 300px wide, 150px tall. This applies for <img>, <object> or <iframe>. The default 300×150 size also applies to inline <svg> elements within HTML documents, but that’s a relatively recent consensus from the HTML5 specifications: other browsers will by default expand inline SVG to the full size of the viewport—equivalent to width: 100vw; height: 100vh; — which is the default size for SVG files that are opened directly in their own browser tab. Internet Explorer cuts the difference, using width of 100% and height of 150px for images and inline SVG. (Bellamy-Royds 2017)

[20] The <div> wrappers are not strictly necessary because we could, alternatively, have applied CSS rules to the <svg> elements directly. For that matter, we could even have applied the JavaScript getBBox() function to individual SVG <text> elements and arranged those using CSS Flexbox. The hierarchical level at which to manage the in-browser positioning is a matter of preference, and we found our approach the simplest for us to understand and implement.

Author's keywords for this paper:
SVG; font metrics

David J. Birnbaum

University of Pittsburgh

David J. Birnbaum is Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh. He has been involved in the study of electronic text technology since the mid-1980s, has delivered presentations at a variety of digital humanities and electronic text technology conferences, and has served on the board of the Association for Computers and the Humanities, the editorial board of Markup languages: theory and practice, and the Text Encoding Initiative Technical Council. Much of his electronic text work intersects with his research in medieval Slavic manuscript studies, but he also often writes about issues in the philosophy of markup. For the past ten years he has been teaching an XML-oriented course in the University Honors College at the University of Pittsburgh entitled Computational methods in the humanities (

Charlie Taylor

University of Pittsburgh

Charlie Taylor is an undergraduate at the University of Pittsburgh studying History of Art & Architecture and Classics. She was enrolled in Dr. Birnbaum’s Computational methods in the humanities class in Spring 2020, and currently serves as a teaching assistant for the course. She will graduate in Spring 2023 and plans to pursue a graduate degree in Medieval Studies.