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Piez, Wendell. “Fractal information is.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2018, Washington, DC, July 31 - August 3, 2018. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2018. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 21 (2018).

Balisage: The Markup Conference 2018
July 31 - August 3, 2018

Balisage Paper: Fractal information is

Wendell Piez

Wendell Piez is an independent consultant specializing in XML and XSLT, based in Rockville MD.

Copyright ©2018 by the author.


We wrestle often with the granularity of data formats, object models, interfaces, and APIs: their strengths, their weaknesses, and the supports they provide to creators and consumers. Opinion is often muddled or extrapolated from limited experience: “X is lightweight”, “Y is ‘self-describing’”, “everyone prefers Z”. This is a fractal experience; there is self-similarity across scales. Issues that arise at one level of the system have weird echoes elsewhere. Indeed, one way of discriminating among options (XML, HTML, Markdown, JSON, YAML, SAX, DOM, etc.) is to consider their different approaches to the problem of managing the chaos and representing (ir)regularity. This examination leads to a better understanding of how to exploit their differences to make them work better together.

Table of Contents

Information is fractal
Scales of resolution
The dissolve into detail
What's not so plain about plain text
Semantic staircase: from stream, to structure
Reassessed in 2018
Living in a JSON world
Mappings and metamappings
Who doesn't want their own syntax?
Approaches to chaos
Making peace with complexity

Information is fractal

Fractals are defined mathematically, and phenomena with fractal properties are ubiquitous in nature. Postpone for a moment the question of whether to consider fractal here in a literal, or in an analogical and metaphorical (loose) sense — whether, that is, we should consider the phenomena we witness (in technologies of text encoding) as fractals, or only fractal-like. What are fractals like? One does not need to be a mathematician to observe:

  • Self-similarity across scales

    Disparate parts are similar (alike) but also different

    Boundaries become shaggy whenever we zoom in

  • There are rules, and there are also apparent anomalies, exceptions or variations

    (Or, more strictly: there are rules; but how the rules apply in the given context, must be determined dynamically; it cannot be known ahead.)

    Another way to put it: regular, but also irregular

    Or, regularity punctuated by irregularity – even while anomalies point to deeper orderings or wider contexts

  • Fractal phenomena turn up where there is some kind of recursion in the neighborhood. This includes those special recursive forms we call indefinite iteration or periodicity.

Scales of resolution

Examples of fractal-like phenomena might be given at any of a number of layers or levels of scale. Looking only at the realm of human culture and economy (that is, to say nothing of physics or any of the natural sciences), we might pause to consider any of:

  • Cultural production

    The archive!

  • Documentary production (or: the written word)

  • Electronic/documentary media

  • Non-proprietary, open, standards-based media

  • Text-based formats

  • Formalisms, formal languages, programming languages

  • Markup languages and data description syntaxes

This paper is concerned with only the most minute and low-level of these. The intention here is to offer text encoding technologies as a synecdoche, a part representing the whole. From what we recognize in the problems we face as developers and users of text technologies, we might extrapolate to other realms not considered here.

At the same time the effort here is given not so much to arguing that fractal phenomena exist, but rather in exploring the consequences of recognizing fractal phenomena, when we see them, as such — at various levels of this scale but most particularly at the most minute and granular: markup technologies and text encoding technologies, looked at up close.

Figure 1

Some XML data, viewed graphically.

In other words, this paper asks the reader to set aside the literal in favor of the metaphorical; instead of looking at what is, we look at what (it) is like (what). This is intentional, strategic and necessary, since we don't all know everything already. (To be more generous to ourselves we might imagine we know everything, but details remain to be filled in.) Indeed, it is something of a metaphystical mystery why, for example, we might be so assured that natural phenomena such as mountains and clouds are fractal: we only know that describing them as such, has explanatory power and even predictive capability, if not in absolute terms, then at least as or in the aggregate.

The dissolve into detail

This is an interesting and possibly strange angle of approach to considering where markup technologies, in particular (in the minutest particular), are in this moment. Yet the very local is like the very general: in both cases, the puzzle is in how one is able to maintain the requisite attitude of uncertainty, in the face of the need to amass incredible levels of detail and contextual information from any new situation (which we have stipulated, is both like and unlike any other situation). One way we can do this, is by plotting how to do so. To learn how to make and follow such plots, is the essence of technical knowledge and expertise.

Here, my meta-plot begins with the recognition of a particular moment, which I call the dissolve into detail. The word dissolve here is a noun, as in a cinematographer's dissolve, a dissolution. I am using the term to describe a moment that follows the shock of seeing something new and recognizing both its newness, and its likeness-yet-unlikeness to what one knows. It is a moment that may never happen: indeed, most of our lives are spent with the complexities of the world we face every day, carefully masked from us.


In another paper I have called this latter attitude the semantic collapse, namely the state of knowledge that one is invited to inhabit by designers. It is when the database does not look like a database, but like a calendar.

When the dissolve into detail does happen, it can be debilitating and discouraging (one reason we do not like it). Yet it is important and salutary. It is a dissolve or dissolution not because the detail disappears, but because the witnessing and intentional self does, if only for a moment, into confusion or wonder. Indeed, to be able to proceed from the dissolve or dissolution into detail, to a later state of relative understanding and mastery (resolution) is precisely what makes a person an expert in some domain - that they have enough relevant experience, to be able to judge something new, moving from the dissolve more or less quickly (in a way that may entail discovery of some nature) to some other attitude (in which, presumably, an intentional self is rehabilitated).

Whether this occurs or not, the dissolve itself is a commonplace experience, at least for some of us. Maybe one is faced with debugging a faulty thermostat or installing an app on a smartphone – when one is suddenly faced with the fact that one is presented with relevant and consequential detail. The detail is not understood: it is seen precisely, yet without making sense, its parts in view but not yet connected in an organic meaningful whole, so rich and pregnant with potential (with detail). It is either thrilling, or intimidating, or both. In order to master the detail – this is why it is a moment of dissolution – one faces, first, a momentous choice: to turn away (perhaps finding and cede the problem to an expert – someone capable of resolving the detail) – or take on the burden of being such an expert, oneself.

In the face of technological change, the reason we so often face blind men and elephant problems (the inescapable parable here) is that we are all experts, but in something somewhat different, and gathered together to discover and delineate something new, we have yet to master the details of the elephant. Interestingly, the parable also suggests that to understand the detail of the elephant one must understand it as a whole. We will come back to this.

What's not so plain about plain text

No surprise that when posed with technical questions, the most important and salient issues turn out to be technical ones: what makes them determinedly "fractal" is the (repeated) experience of more questions in every new anchoring context. It should not require demonstration that our domain is a domain of domains, as well as a domain among many others.

Stated in this way, we should well consider, what is a domain? For purposes of these conversations, consider domains to be defined by rules and characterized by languages. (Thus we loosely encompass both technology, and culture.)

If (as) a domain is defined to a great extent by its language, the domain of text encoding technologies is a domain in which a term such as plain text has a specific, technical meaning, referring to some sort of (categorical) entity that nonetheless (however abstract it is) becomes reified in the imagination as a "thing". So there is a set of abstract criteria by which (someone familiar the domain) can determine or measure, whether something is or is not plain text.

Yet at the very same time, we also acknowledge (even while using the language of our domain) that even here, around the edges, we may occasionally have to clarify or qualify.

In other words, there is a moment when we say plain text, followed by a moment in which we ask but what do mean by that? and are confronted by the fact that, well, things are complicated. There is history … err.… this is the dissolve into detail. (For many or most attendees at this conference, the dissolve into the detail of plain text first happened long ago. We may even remember when.) After longer familiarily with the topic, things start to make sense – there is resolution. The dissolve into detail does not stop, and the details do not disappear or change; but once more familiar, they become both clearer and possibly, less scary.

So it is with plain text. We can note a few examples of strings that might, or might not – subject to qualifications – qualify as plain text. The dissolve in detail takes us into competing definitions and contexts, within each of which, meanings will be slightly different, to different effects. So it is, for example, that the meaning of plain text shifts – or the questions around its meanings shift – with the widespread adoption of Unicode.

Figure 2

Example of plain text
Example of "plain text"
Example of *plain text*
Example of “plain text”
“plain text”
<p>Example of <q>plain text</q></p>
<p>Example of <i>plain text</i></p>

Some examples of plain text or of nominal plain text. Even as such, however, the most basic categories are debatable around the edges. We can only surmise what is meant, based on what we know.

So – we might observe that in itself, even for a data object to constitute plain text might be necessary, but not likely sufficient. It is all about what and how much we know in advance.

In the case of plain text, we call it so (not to get into too much detail) because we mean to distinguish it from formatted text, at least as it presupposes that the format of text is something other than text itself, moreover not represented directly by it (perhaps not even in Unicode) and thus to be expressed as more text, except now not as (the presumptive) text itself but, paradoxically, as the text-that-is-not-a-text. (Code or markup. The irony and arbitrariness of this distinction implies another paper. Nonetheless it is worth remarking how commonplace and ordinary it eventually seems that we can so easily distinguish:

This is a text
{\*\ftnsep\chftnsep}\pgndec\pard\plain \s0\widctlpar\hyphpar0\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af5\langfe2052\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang1033{\rtlch \ltrch\loch
This is a text}
\par }

Many Balisage readers will recognize the second of these as This is a text embedded in a (piece of) an RTF document, that is to say Microsoft's Rich Text Format. (This is lines 15-17 of a 17-line file for this line of writing.) But this audience is exceptional, as most people on being presented with this are not likely to know what this is, much less that this is RTF (or what RTF is or even that there is or necessarily should be such a thing). They do, however, as literate readers – indeed, demonstrating a sophisticated kind of pattern matching which might be taken to define literacy – can readily separate the text from the encoding. And due to this fact only, they might agree that this chunk of text taken (in toto) is not quite plain subject to some definition of that term.

And this comes up despite how (what is also paradoxical, as well as known to this audience) both these examples are plain text, as distinguished from some other sort of encoded information (which would not, indeed, submit readily to transcription here), a (so-called) binary format. (Which here, means only not text, since all digital electronic formats are binary.) The point here is that plain text is hard to define – as is text. (We start talking about encodings of alphanumeric characters and their histories and definitions, as well as of the histories of computer and text processing platforms on which these various schemes and protocols have been implemented.)

The definition of the term itself is relative to the point of definition. What do you mean by plain text is a reasonable question to ask. (What seems like a clear boundary, on getting closer, shows further detail.)

For rough purposes of the discussion to follow, we might provisionally define plain text as an arbitrary but finite sequence (string) of Unicode characters (or of an analogous abstraction we can call a character), fully aware that this is both too broad and too narrow. As experts – as members of a community of practice that both does, and does not (ever entirely, subject to qualifications) agree, on what plain text, we can do this.

At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that even the relative narrow domain of "plain text" or "plain text-based formats", is very broad. Not only are there more than one working definition for plain text itself, but also (given such a definition) there is an extreme broad and diverse kinds and applications of plain text.

Indeed, it is the muddle of discriminations that one can then begin to make, that the problems start. The kinds and uses of plain text.

There is something fractal about this too? What we consider plain, normal, or unadorned - vs what we consider to be superfluous, additive, enhancement - is relative. Even within what we might (otherwise) consider to be an extremely narrow category of being – encoded electronic text – we find a great variability and dependency, in detail, on local circumstance. In other words, further occasions of dissolution into further detail, and possibly confusion and vexation.

Nonetheless, those circumstances having been defined, plain text is nonetheless a (relatively) stable thing, a controllable thing – so stable and so controllable, even, that entire infrastructures can be built over and around it. We take plain text so much for granted, that mostly it can just disappear. So we are on a knife's edge: on the one side, plain text never means only plain text: there always has to be some narrower definition. On the other side: having settled on what plain text is, what we can do with it is entirely open ended.

Semantic staircase: from stream, to structure

Step in closer and things get complicated again.

Among sorts of varieties of applications of plain text is an extremely wide range of different formats, including everything from what we might call raw - that is, text without markup or inline encoding of any sort, through a spectrum up through rather complex organizations optimized for certain kinds of processing, data mining, and execution. One might indeed draw a map showing the tradeoff space between different approaches to plain text, with two axes representing (a) readily accessible processibility (that is, the explicit, overt and ready capabilities of the text for automated data processing operations), vs (b) the necessary up front commitment in the form of constraints over the text - that is, the rules of its use, including the use of embedded encodings, invocations of spirits and powers, and all sorts of magical incantations. For these to be operational and effective, they have to be done right.

I drew such a map as a speculative exercise in my 2012 paper, Three Questions and an Experiment, in opening a symposium on data modeling at Brown University:

A slope of optimization, as described in 2012

Reassessed in 2018

Rendered as a staircase with some more examples projected onto it (2018)

A few years later, it becomes possible to reflect on this further. The picture has not changed much in basic outline, which is reassuring. I have made a correction (as I now see it) the order between rules no mixed element content and no recursion, in part since, at least in principle, JSON shows that it is possible to support recursive structures, without being tolerant of arbitrary mixed content.


A JSON array can be used to simulate arbitrary ordered (mixed) content, but array items must be unlabeled. The tradeoff is thus, either contents can be significantly ordered, or labeled, but not both at the same time.

Other than that, the diagram has only been fleshed out. In 2018 we can see how HTML remains entrenched, with its more mature models (to say nothing of the binding of model to syntax represented in HTML5). Markdown especially among bespoke syntaxes has become more prevalent, especially given its evident utility for tight-cycle documentation. (For posting Issues on Github, it offers much to like.)

At the high end of the stairway, we see the emergence of structured data formats such as YAML, which would indeed show how encoding this high on the commitments ladder becomes both hugely powerful (especially when aggregated), yet at the same time rather inflexible as a reflection of its focus. It is important to note here that non-proprietary, openly specified serializations may not do anything functionally superior to what is provided by earlier technologies – it is only that what is proprietary, is doomed to die away. In any case, the activity at the top of the scale (where indeed, application binding tends to happen), perhaps distracts us from developments at lower levels, that happen concurrently. There, at lower layers, the design problems are much more intractable – largely because real-world data sets are so rich and flawed at the same time, and requirements are so exigent, and its generality so relevant – so sensitive to context, to initial conditions.

As an illustration of the kind of progress we have made, consider how, as a source format for (say) a static web publication, it is clear enough why markdown and YAML make such a nice pairing – if only for simple sorts of texts whose structures will never get very deep, only broad (such as, for example, a personal blog with subject tagging). By the same token, it will also be clear where this architecture will have its limits.

What is clearer in 2018 that this graduation might better be called a staircase, because what is important here is not the slope, or whether the slope is curved, or indeed whether two dimensions is adequate to the problem, but rather the incremental nature of the sorts of commitments that can be made. Note that since each step represents a new commitment, it entails a narrowing: an achievement of expressive power in one domain, at the cost of expression in others. This is true whether the commitment be made at the level of syntax (reserved tokens and rules for combining them) but also when, how and by whom, names are given to things. A generalized tagging syntax like XML, for example, settles one set of rules while allowing others to set other sets of rules, at higher levels. In turn, this reflects how commitments at lower levels of the staircase become the basis for new commitments at higher levels. It becomes a stack.

The suggestion of 2012, however, remains valid: what is needed is not any particular format on any point of the staircase, but rather, capable technologies working at any and all of them, plus tools that enable us to move data up and down the stairway –which is to say, into and out of environments where control and regulation - where our capability of imposing full control and regulation - may be (in some important ways) sometimes be more the exception than the rule. This is the world of real data and information. Not everything all nicely organized up front. But organization is there, amidst the mix and mess. And organization, once resolved, can also underlie architectures.

Living in a JSON world

The simple fact is that while there may be fashions and trends, most decisions regarding architecture and platforms are not made on the basis of technical considerations. Nor should they be - this is not intended as a critique, and for various reasons, an imperative might not be, that a technology is well suited to a task or use.

Nonetheless the fact remains that (at least these days) JSON appears to a certain (common) class of users and developers to be the obvious first choice for a serialization format. To them, it must often seem mysterious why an architecture might be built around anything else. The benefits of XML in contrast, are not at all clear to them.

Yet, they are not all that clear to us either, often; indeed perhaps the bigger mistake is to see the choice in exclusive terms. Indeed, this has already been shown (for example by Robin LaFontaine at Balisage 2017) to be unnecessary, inasmuch as JSON syntax can readily be "adopted" into a family of supported syntaxes for serialization, in an XML based system. Over and above, that is, the more flexible modeling capabilities of a syntax that easily supports arbitrary mixed content, XML offers string features for modeling and manipulating even "naturally" JSON data, whatever they it be.

In itself this is a major achievement for which we have to thank the developers of the most recent XPath, XQuery and XSLT versions, who by describing means for both manipulation of map objects, and a serialization model between XPath and JSON syntax, have ensured that they are available even in commodity toolkits. Capabilities first described at conferences like this one (for example, Jonathan Robie at Balisage 2012) are now part of the toolkit off the shelf.

As Robin showed last year, once such a mapping (in effect, a tag description) of the basic JSON data model, with its objects, properties and values, into an XML-compatible representation, is established, the rest becomes a matter of using our transformation and query tools as designed. Indeed, the most recent versions of the standards provide not one but two ways to do this – either via an XPath/XDM map object, or by means of an XML vocabulary-and-model describing such a thing. Using either of these approaches, XML tools can see and handle JSON data in the same way as they see XML – that is, as already parsed and rendered into an addressable form. Effectively, this means that JSON can be integrated freely as either an input, or an output (result) of an XML-based transformation or pipeline.

What is especially of interest is how, indeed, such a capability exposes the issues of working across the data format divide. As soon as there is no syntactic barrier, the actual modeling mismatches between (typical) XML-based document formats or data description formats, and analogous JSON formats, become exposed as problems of transformation.

As this happens, the complexity of the problem does not change – but it shifts. By stabilizing a relationship – defining a clear boundary – at one level, by providing a technical bridge between XML and JSON representations of data, we reveal and highlight the challenges that remain potential blockers, or hindrances, at another closer level of detail.

Mappings and metamappings

It is not difficult to demonstrate the weaknesses of JSON for documentary data: on line, there are several tools offered for free use, which offer this functionality, readily demonstrating the challenges and issues. Just paste a bit of well-formed XML and see what an analogous JSON might be, following the mapping implemented by the tool. Inevitably exposed to view are also the lapses that occur, inasmuch as the JSON object models fail to honor the organization of data in the original.

Figure 3

<p>P content may include <a>A</a> and <b>B</b> and <a>more A</a>.</p>
   "p": {
      "a": [
         "more A"
      "b": "B",
      "__text": "P content may include \n and \n and \n."

JSON produced by an online converter,

This lapse happens because XML elements are more permissive than either of the possible analogue data objects, available in JSON. This is because the reflection of JSON's power as a data format (its glovelike fit to Javascript) is also its weakness in this respect, that it cannot represent the (nominal) contents of any Javascript object, as anything but another Javascript object. What in XML is the straightforward, literal occurrence of a sequence of labeled items, in JSON must be twisted and tortured, simply because it has no object type whose cardinality, ordering and naming is as unconstrained in its context as are XML elements.

While it has not escaped the notice of commenters (Kurt Cagle, Ken Holman) that this makes JSON inappropriate for certain kinds of data set, there is a contrary point that is not often emphasized. Evidently JSON (or Javascript-like object modeling more generally, even in other OO languages) does have its uses, or application designers would not be using them. The question is not only, when not to use JSON, but also, when to use it and how to use it in such a way that it can complement – not merely complicate – the workings of more fluid and flexible (markup-based) approaches.

Regarding the two technologies' different affordances, in other words, is critical to understanding how each can be exploited in its own way. Fortunately, while this field is complex, it is not unchartable nor even uncharted (including at this conference). For example, one approach specifically to managing the points of alignment between XML and JSON representations of similar data, is by means of a unifying schema or more properly metaschema. This helps to control the costs of working in XML and JSON together by reducing the technical overhead of coordinating them to the overhead of implementing and maintaining a single higher-level specification. In this arrangement, schemas (XSDs and JSON Schemas) like documentation and tooling become products of the single metaschema.

Metaschemas are not a new idea; indeed most mature schemas under maintenance, have some sort of metaschema technology maintained below or alongside them. Nor is the idea of amending XML schemas to support mapping into JSON new (having been proposed at this conference by David Lee in 2011). Using a metaschema rather than an annotated RNG, however, abstracts the modeling of the document artifact (as an abstraction) all the way, even, from XML syntax and content models, to permit a parallel projection of any serialized instance using XML tags, into an analogous and equivalent JSON instance, capable indeed of automated (blind) conversion back again into XML, without loss of information.

In the specific case of aligning XML with JSON, the most concerning points of friction are typically where object/content models show (in XML terms) (a | b)*. Such a structure, in which both arbitrary ordering, and type naming, occurs together, has no precise analog in JSON terms. Elements in XML are both named (typed) and ordered with respect to their siblings, while in JSON, properties on (or "members of") a JSON object must be singular, while their relative ordering with relation to one another (on a single object) is undefined, and JSON has nothing by which to order anything beyond arrays, whose items are unlabelled.… the dissolve into detail that occurs here, typically requires an element-to-object mapping of some sort, with an ad hoc (syntax marking) convention of some kind.

In other words - a generalized XML->JSON mapping is possible, but not pretty. If it is ungainly, however, this is not because of any lack of grace in the syntax – it is because the processing model to which JSON is ordinarily subjected, does not readily adapt to the kind of handling required by the data (especially with respect to recursive descent of tree structures to arbitrary levels of depth).

Moreover, in the instance, better results can always be gotten by putting in a bit more effort and mapping the data across, not with a generalized rule for handling any XML, but with particular rules for casting this particular kind of XML – and a metaschema can be designed to provide precisely the information set we need to effect this.

A metaschema can make it relatively trivial to head off mapping problems by simply constraining models to prevent them from occurring to begin with. Its language (that is, the language of the metaschema) can stipulate and implicitly enforce (by a conformant processor) an organization over the data, that maps (more) cleanly to both XML and JSON, effectively declaring the mappings between XML and JSON with the same expressions as it uses to declare the models themselves. In return for managing (by excluding or sequestering) problematic XML features such as arbitrary mixed content, wild XML can be tamed for a JSON world.

Where this approach will not work is when you really do need mixed-repeatable ( a | b )* content models. Of course, this is useful clarification in itself, since these are precisely the sort of data sets that are not going to work very well in JSON syntax – as is easily demonstrable by dropping any of them into an auto-converter.

If you have followed this far, there are two things to note. First, we have now (whether you agree with me or not about the particulars of all this) long ago passed the threshold of the dissolve into detail. We may or may not be along the way to resolution. Yet at the same time, it is also noteworthy the extent to which this landscape has actually already been charted before, for example by contributors to this conference and others.

Aligning XML with YAML presents not dissimilar problems as aligning XML with JSON: because it is higher on the slope, an arbitrary YAML instance can be cast without loss into a semantically equivalent XML, while coming the other way may (or may not!) entail restricting the XML (or ad-hoc annotating/extending the YAML target) so as to avoid certain problematic features. Like JSON (and unlike more tabular serialization formats, such as CSV), YAML supports recursive structures: but this does not mean just any XML will map cleanly to YAML. Again, arbitrary mixed content is going to be a challenge, for example. (So it is forbidden in the canonical XML-YAML mapping as described at So we are faced with a similar-but-different set of tradeoffs.

These are because JSON and YAML (serving as serializations of abstract data models) sit higher on the semantic staircase than many kinds of XML, including (most significantly) the major documentary formats with their arbitrary mixed (inline) content.

Who doesn't want their own syntax?

Markdown syntax has also emerged more prominently even since the early 2000s, when markdown syntaxes first appeared on wiki platforms. For certain operations – hand authoring, even maintenance of documentation if/as it is firmly embedded as file system READMEs – it has apparently found a lasting place.

There is much to like about the essential approach to encoding represented by markdown. Especially if they can help design the mappings themselves, some authors seem to enjoy the exercise of mapping inline character combinations, to encoding practices. For some people getting used to markdown, it feels a little like language design or even like a cat-and-mouse game with the interpreter (can I get it to make this). This facility is important to keep in mind.

However, Markdown presents a set of problems of its own. Presumably, markdown works by masking in an attractive, amenable text-based syntax, the complexities otherwise requiring the cumbersome overhead of tagging, with its pointy angle brackets:

Who doesn't like *donuts*?
<p>Who doesn't like <em>donuts</em>?</p>
In doing this, markdown does indeed offer an interface that makes it suitable for a range of tasks. But it gets you only so far. It gets you this distance rapidly and cleanly, but one you are there, you are subject to its constraints of expression: you can go no further with it because there is nowhere further to go.

For example, here it is only arbitrary and conventional that a line of text such as this should become a p? Equally plausible (at least in the general case, or in some alternate world), one might suppose, it should be mapped to a q not a p, or anything else. More importantly, however, once having mapped an unmarked line to p, the markdown version has forsaken any possibility of mapping lines to anything else but p in the future. There will never be any mixing of p elements with q elements. As XML practitioners know, this limitation on the sorts of things you can do with blocks and lines, simply doesn't scale to real-world complexities. Markdown-based static site generators, accordingly (just to offer one example), will tend to do a lot of postprocessing and working with not just the raw markdown itself, but its HTML analog. i.e., no longer markdown, at all. Markdown by itself, simply cannot support the semantic for even the kinds of processing (navigation etc.) that are routinely supported on the platforms for which it is intended: markdown is no replacement for HTML (or anything else) simply because it is unusable without HTML (or some analogue) along with it and supporting it.

This is turn reveals markdown's fatal flaw, namely that there really isn't any such thing. (Look at markdown, and things dissolve into detail.) Notwithstanding several attempts (some valiant) to formalize it, markdown as a general class (and a very diverse one) works because it is actually not a syntax at all, but merely a mask (in the form of a mapping convention) on top of another set of constraints as expressed in its target language, not stricly syntactic, but with regard to content models and structures imposed on top of or in accordance with (other) syntactic contracts. (That is, the downstream consumer of the markdown processor presumably doesn't care whether its HTML has double or single quotes as attribute delimiters as long as they parse in an HTML parser; but it depends on HTML to represent the contents as "paragraphs", "preformatted", "lists", "headers", and all the other HTML-affordances that make a markdown representation might offer).

Consequently, there is no real need or even utility in treating markdown like a properly specified language, rather than (what it is) a clever utilitarian hack to make the work of encoding certain kinds of semantics, less onerous for the technically-uninclined user. In other words, we should not even bother trying to parse markdown properly (by which, I mean in reference to some formal grammar and specification of its syntax) – since the question in any case is not, does it parse or not, but what do we do when it fails? In other words, what sort of information do we get from a successful parse of a markdown structure? If the answer is, whether it will map cleanly into our preferred target format – well, we can do that anyway, without a grammar for the markdown at all, given only the mapping conventions to follow – which either will, or will not, produce a syntax that we can parse.

Meanwhile, markdown parsers (really processors) are various and sundry, but one thing they mostly have in common is, they aren't finished.

Given all this sleight of hand, getting into and out of markdown on an XML stack is not more challenging than working with markdown in other contexts. Producing markdown from any XML tool chain is straightforward: a clean approach is to produce HTML, then use a general utility (such as a second XSLT) to produce a markdown syntax "rendition" of this HTML.

To come the other way, it should be sufficient to map the markdown into XML or HTML tagging, then attempting to parse that (literal markup). Upon a successful parse, an XDM (or functional equivalent) can be returned. Mathematically and practically, this is equivalent to parsing the markdown to begin with (according, presumably, to a sufficient grammar of its own) – and for systems that already have HTML and XML parsers, considerably easier.

While the failure point with JSON tends to be arbitrary sequencing of element types and especially mixed content, the failure point for markdown is in its inability to support structures beyond the HTML soup that one infers from a sequence of represented "paragraphs", "lists", "tables" and the rest. Consequently, markdown as a primary platform for content production and editing might be expected to work best in systems where such authoring and editing comes already "pre-fragmented", rather than representing full text or rich semantic contents.

Nonetheless the success and appeal of markdown syntaxes is very revealing, suggesting that they do in fact play a role, and indeed one complimentary to the role of either generalized markup syntaxes, or more structured data formats. The question is, getting the data across the boundaries. Only when we can parse and map markdown syntaxes as easily as we can XML document models (or indeed JSON objects), will we be able to take full advantage of them.

Such capabilities are nearly in our hands. While it is an open secret that markdown syntaxes typically have no grammar and thus no formal, validable parse – there is also an opportunity here, to streamline these systems. A further question is whether the strengths of markdown might be even better exploited in systems that knew about and supported some deeper level of semantic description. Semantic markdown – the way to something like this, might be in a markdown syntax that supported both (some sort of) semantic annotation, and some level of on-the-fly declaration of syntax constructs.

Approaches to chaos

The main reason we see questions such as "XML or JSON" or (in another context) "Java or Python" as either/or, is that any one of these demands so much attention and dedication (of effort and resources), that we can hardly imagine (as either individuals or on behalf of institutions) committing to any other (at least within the scope of the task or problem). One solution to this problem is to become tribalistic: this has the virtue at least of seeming the easiest and most obvious way to approach things. If mastering XML and everything related to it (schemas and transformations and queries) were to take only a week, and mastering JSON and Javascript and browser event handling and interface design and transaction handling, took only one more – this might seem more like having one box of toys (the blocks) out one week, and another (the screw-and-girders set) the next. The realities of sunk costs, however, make it such that once Java or Python or Ruby has been chosen, it is very hard to unchoose it or even to choose something else for the next thing (while mixed environments have their own risks and costs!); and once one has become an expert in XML (just for example) it may seem gratuitous that one should then have to become expert in something else. It is useful to keep in mind that the reason it takes more than a week to master XSLT or XQuery or Javascript or Python is that any single one of these languages – seen as what they really are, raw materials for creation – is endless and has no bottom. Spend a week and you discover how much more you have to learn. Dissolve into detail, then spend years resolving it.

Yet at the same time, this landscape of languages, whatever its metaphysical status as a "thing", and however it changes and grows from year to year, is nevertheless objective, something that can be observed and studied. (A JSON object has properties of type string, boolean, numeric, array, etc. etc. I cannot add a new type to this list while my JSON remains JSON. As long as JSON is JSON, I can talk about strings and booleans with JSON developers. The JSON tools I know, if JSON is any good, just work this way. So much the better: what this means in effect is, the terms of discussion between me and the JSON developers, is stable even when our interchange problems, are very much not.

In other words, it may be that text-encoding technologies are fractal not in the way that a Julia set is fractal (that is, a mathematical function that is shown to be fractal according to a mathematical principle) but rather, the way the coast of Scotland (an actual place) is fractal or fractal. It turns out that thinking analogically is of the essence – this is basically the only way we have of dealing with what we haven't surveyed yet – while at the same time, science and objective study are just as important as art.

So for example, using a metaschemas as an approach – not a solution, but a site for negotiation – to reconciling XML-based and Javascript-based (JSON) serialization formats for appropriate datasets, is an idea that can only emerge on the basis of not only a particular mapping (of a particular XML to a particular JSON or the reverse), but a generalized one, subject to codification by the metaschema. The particular powers and capabilities of the particular metaschema format – how effectively it manages to bridge between disparate representations of the same data – will depend entirely on this generalized analysis.

The same thing is true of the idea of a generalized local markdown – we can only get to such a thing after we have pondered, not only the problem of parsing markdown into systems where it can be processed and rendered (in ways we are used to doing with markup), but also the problem of how and where the semantics of a particular markdown syntax (and application) are actually defined. When it turns out, that a markdown instance has no formal validity at all, but only a purported or presumed relation to another (valid) entity in another syntax (HTML or other) – at that point, it becomes clearer that we do not, in markdown, have any single thing at all, but merely a commonality in a certain strategy of representation (of inline encoding as "ASCII artish" embellishment), which can be readily applied in other domains, or generalized. In turn, such an insight can liberate us to take many more liberties with this idea.

Such capabilities may prove to be vital and essential features of technologies to come, or they may prove not to be worth the overhead. The important thing is that they now begin to be thinkable. There was a time when every parser had to be, effectively, hand made. Now with standards and generalized syntaxes (both those one finds "friendly" and those one finds strange or inimical), these pressures have eased.

To put it another way, we are developing both the experience and tools (which are, indeed, codifications of experience), that will alleviate all these problems considerably. (See also the work of Hans Juergen Rennau.) The detail does not disappear, but it becomes more casual and familiar, the inevitable variation more thinkable, and not only because we are now jaded, but because we actually means and methods for dealing with it. So for example, just as we now have ways of dealing with overlap problems – having seen them before – similarly, the problems of casting information across syntactic boundaries will become more familiar as we come to recognize their commonalities. And while the landscape shifts and develops over time – as new heights are explored and the territories expand – in the basic outlines of its domains, and in many of its patterns, it is likely to remain consistent.

Making peace with complexity

One of the interesting things about elephants is that their size, their skin, their massive legs and ears, their trunks and even their tusks make more sense when the animal is considered as a whole organism – an extremely large herbivore, very social (hence the tusks, essential for marking and signaling status), who communicates with her kin using low-frequency sound over miles. (Hence the trunk, the ears, and the sensitive feet.) In other words, the detail makes sense only in the context of the whole.

XML, JSON, YAML, declarative and procedural languages are in this picture, not exactly things, but properties of things, characteristics or regularities within the systems where we find them. Like an elephant, such a system (maybe it's a publishing system, web site or transcation processor) can only really be understood as an operational whole within its context. But since our elephants are so different from one another, we simplify our conversations about them by distinguishing them by type. My elephant reads XML or my hippo uses markdown injected into a hosting platform with CSS for its page layout.

This suggests that we should hold our judgments lightly – there is a big difference (for example) between asking how we will exchange arbitrary mixed content, given the constraints and commitments of the facing systems (actual or likely), and judging an entire technology stack to be unworthy of attention – and not only, that the latter judgement involves a kind of layer violation (since we are judging the type not considering the instance). They also differ in their attitude and approach – a more limited and provisional observation is simply more likely to be accurate. It is exactly when we think we have answers, that we find there is another dissolve into detail to face.

Given such reasons for humility, also, it helps also to keep in mind that the most effective world-changing technologies are those that show what is possible, that imagine altogether new abilities and insights. We only participate in this, however, if we fully engage with it. Adapting to a world of multifarious data exchange may require that we be ecumenical in our tolerance of formats. Again, the semantic staircase suggests why. XML and its kindred standards/technologies are designed and built to address some very general problems of data description; they do this by means of the twin features of (a) the built-in tree design, and (b) the capability of the application designer to provide names to XML elements and attributes (so names are not privileged or reserved by the language), making XML a metalanguage capable of application (via one expression or another) to a huge variety of kinds of information sets – most especially those that come naturally as hierarchies. (Certain other features such as attributes and inline mixed content are also helpful for dealing with such an open-ended problem set.) On top of these two very simple ideas, a very complex architecture is built supporting open-ended processing models, which must commonly support (in part but not only because they are documentary production or publishing formats, not just structured dataset) a broad range of transformation capabilities. Over and over again, the resulting set of technologies (especially XSLT, XQuery and both together) have been shown to work well, not only at the lower end of weaker control and data description, but also higher up the stack, where we would expect object-oriented and other (supposedly more highly optimized) serializations should rule.

Just as the bumpy field called plain text provides a foundation, so also does this set of rules (rules upon rules) provide a next level of infrastructure to build on. It is complex and has its complexities; but it is stable and reliable.

In great part this is because of everything that markup syntaxes such as XML do not set out to do, the complexities they choose not to address, leaving them to be addressed elsewhere, by other means. That is because these are essentially tools for naming and managing whatever complexities we may be faced with, at some level of resolution, not necessarily high, but detailed enough to give us some purchase – thus the complexity of the solution, does not exceed the complexity of the problem. XML's affordances in particular seem to dramatize how any language (and most certainly a machine readable one) is an early optimization, while at the same time the only way to master a thing is to represent it. In this context, one of the more interesting things to me about the ideas proposed here for advancing the use of XML for modeling – by helping it to get along with non-XML competitors, its current neighbors in the space – is that they could all be implemented using XSLT. The field is open.


Holman, G. Ken. “Horses for courses: A perspective on an XML vs. JSON discussion.” August 6, 2017.

La Fontaine, Robin. “Making a difference by processing JSON as XML.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2017, Washington, DC, August 1 - 4, 2017. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2017. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 19 (2017). doi:

Lee, David A. “JXON: an Architecture for Schema and Annotation Driven JSON/XML Bidirectional Transformations.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011, Montréal, Canada, August 2 - 5, 2011. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 7 (2011). doi:

Novatchev, Dimitre. FXSL -- the Functional Programming Library for XSLT.

Pemberton, Steven. Treating JSON as a subset of XML. XML Prague 2012.

Rennau, Hans-Jürgen. “From XML to UDL: a unified document language, supporting multiple markup languages.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012, Montréal, Canada, August 7 - 10, 2012. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 8 (2012). doi:

Robie, Jonathan. “XQuery, XSLT and JSON: Adapting the XML stack for a world of XML, HTML, JSON and JavaScript.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012, Montréal, Canada, August 7 - 10, 2012. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 8 (2012). doi:


Holman, G. Ken. “Horses for courses: A perspective on an XML vs. JSON discussion.” August 6, 2017.


La Fontaine, Robin. “Making a difference by processing JSON as XML.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2017, Washington, DC, August 1 - 4, 2017. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2017. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 19 (2017). doi:


Lee, David A. “JXON: an Architecture for Schema and Annotation Driven JSON/XML Bidirectional Transformations.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011, Montréal, Canada, August 2 - 5, 2011. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 7 (2011). doi:


Novatchev, Dimitre. FXSL -- the Functional Programming Library for XSLT.


Pemberton, Steven. Treating JSON as a subset of XML. XML Prague 2012.


Rennau, Hans-Jürgen. “From XML to UDL: a unified document language, supporting multiple markup languages.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012, Montréal, Canada, August 7 - 10, 2012. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 8 (2012). doi:


Robie, Jonathan. “XQuery, XSLT and JSON: Adapting the XML stack for a world of XML, HTML, JSON and JavaScript.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012, Montréal, Canada, August 7 - 10, 2012. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 8 (2012). doi: