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Diewald, Nils, and Maik Stührenberg. “An extensible API for documents with multiple annotation layers.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013, Montréal, Canada, August 6 - 9, 2013. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 10 (2013).

Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013
August 6 - 9, 2013

Balisage Paper: An extensible API for documents with multiple annotation layers

Nils Diewald

Universität Bielefeld

Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) Mannheim

Nils Diewald received a B.A. in German philology and Text Technology and an M.A. in Linguistics (with a focus on Computational Linguistics) from Bielefeld University. Currently he is employed as a research assistant in the KorAP project at the IDS Mannheim (Institute for the German Language) and is a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science. His Doctorate Studies focus on communication in social networks, originating from his work as a research assistant in the Linguistic Networks project of the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research). Before that, he was a research and graduate assistant in the Sekimo project, part of the DFG Research Group on Text-Technological Modelling of Information.

Maik Stührenberg

Universität Bielefeld

Maik Stührenberg received his Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics and Text Technology from Bielefeld University in 2012. After graduating in 2001 he worked in different text-technological projects at Gießen University, Bielefeld University and the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS, Institute for the German Language) in Mannheim. He is currently employed as research assistant at Bielefeld University.

His main research interests include specifications for structuring multiple annotated data, schema languages, and query processing.

Copyright © 2013 by the authors. Used with permission.


Both XML namespaces and standoff annotation are promising approaches to tackle possibly overlapping multiple annotation layers in XML instances. The creation and processing of standoff instances can be cumbersome – especially when the underlying textual primary data is allowed to be modified after the annotation has been added. In this paper we present a powerful API that is capable of dealing with these tasks by providing an extension mechanism that allows for the easy creation of modules corresponding to a certain namespace (and therefore markup language). We use XStandoff as a working example since it is a standoff format that highly depends on XML namespaces for different annotation layers.

Table of Contents

Multiple annotated documents
Creating an extensible API
XStandoff as an example application
Creating and processing XStandoff instances using XML::Loy
Conclusion and future work

Multiple annotated documents

Markup languages are often defined for structuring the information of a specific text type, such as web pages (HTML), technical articles or books (DocBook), or a set of information items, such as vector graphics (SVG) or protocol information (SOAP). Therefore, their structure is (in limits) determined by a document grammar that allows for specific elements and attributes. In addition, the different XML-based document grammar formalisms allow to a certain degree the combination of elements (and attributes) from different markup languages – usually by means of XML namespaces (Bray et al., 2009). In practice, one host language can include islands of foreign markup (guest languages). There are different examples for the combination of host and guest markup languages (apart from the already mentioned SOAP). A certain XHTML driver (Ishikawa, 2002) allows for the combination of XHTML (as a host language), MathML and SVG (as guest languages), and the Atom Syndication Format (Nottingham and Sayre, 2005) can be used in conjunction with a wide range of extensions (e.g. for Threading, see Snell, 2006, or Activity Streams, see Atkins et al., 2011) while it is also meant to be embedded in parts in the RSS format (Winer, 2009).

Although XML namespaces support the combination of elements derived from different markup languages, they do not change XML's formal model that prohibits overlapping markup. However, standoff markup (instead of inline annotation) may be used to circumvent this problem. The meta markup language XStandoff (Stührenberg and Jettka, 2009) embeds (slightly transformed) islands of guest languages (with respective XML namespaces) in combination with a standardized standoff approach as key feature for the storage of multiple (and possibly overlapping) hierarchies.

Typical problems when dealing with multiple and/or standoff annotations are related to the production and processing of instances. Although usually each markup language involved is defined by a document grammar on its own, it can often be cumbersome to validate an instance combining elements from a large variety of document grammars (although XStandoff is capable of validating these instances, adapted XML schema files have to be present for each guest language). This behaviour can be controlled by means of the document grammar formalism. For example, XML Schema allows different values of its processContents attribute which may occur on the any element. The value lax provided in Figure 1 (taken from XStandoff's layer element) instructs an XML processor to validate the element content on a can-do basis: It will validate elements and attributes for which it can obtain schema information, but it will not signal errors for those it cannot obtain any schema information, Section 5.5, Any Element, Any Attribute.

Figure 1: Controlling validation of foreign namespace elements

<xs:element name="layer">
      <!-- [...] -->
      <xs:any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>

In addition, the namespace attribute may be used to control the allowed namespaces. While XSD 1.0 allows the values ##any, ##other or a list of namespaces only (including the preserved values ##targetNamespace and ##local, see Thompson et al., 2004), RELAX NG supports the exclusion of namespaces (by using the except pattern in combination with nsName). XSD 1.1 (Gao et al., 2012) introduced the notNamespace and notQName attributes.

The production of multiple annotated documents is typically the result of the combination of formerly stand-alone documents (or their parts), such as the inclusion of externally created SVG graphics in an XHTML host document, or the outcome of a mostly automated process (see Stührenberg and Jettka, 2009 for a discussion on the production of XStandoff instances). What is still lacking is an API (Application Programming Interface) that is flexible enough to support the production and processing of multiple annotated instances, even if annotations are referring to the same primary data by means of standoff annotation. We will demonstrate such an API in the reminder of this article.

Creating an extensible API

XML::Loy (Diewald, 2011) is a Perl library, that provides a simple programming interface for the creation of XML documents with multiple namespaces. It is based on Mojo::DOM, an HTML/XML DOM parser that is part of the Mojolicious framework (Riedel, 2008). Mojo::DOM povides CSS selector based methods for DOM traversal (van Kesteren and Hunt, 2013), similar to Javascript's querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods.

The basic methods for the manipulation of the XML Document Object Model provided by XML::Loy are add() and set(). By applying these methods new nodes can be introduced as children to every node in the document. While add() always appends additional nodes to the document, set() only appends nodes in case no child of the given type exists. Both methods are invoked by a chosen node in the document tree (acting as the parent node of the newly introduced node). They accept the element name as a string parameter, followed by an optional hash reference containing attributes and a string containing optional textual content of the element. A final string can be used to put a comment in front of the element.

Figure 2: Using XML::Loy to create a document

use XML::Loy;

my $doc = XML::Loy->new('document');
$doc->set(title => 'My Title');
$doc->set(title => 'My New Title');
$doc->add(paragraph => { id => 'p-1' } => 'First Paragraph');
$doc->add(paragraph => { id => 'p-2' } => 'Second Paragraph');

print $doc->to_pretty_xml;

In the example presented in Figure 2 a new XML::Loy document instance is created with a root element document. Applying the set() method, a new title element is introduced as a child of the root element. The second call of set() overwrites the content of the title element. By using the add() method we insert multiple paragraph elements without overwriting existing ones. These elements are defined with both an id attribute and textual content. By applying the to_pretty_xml() method, the result can be printed as XML.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <title>My New Title</title>
  <paragraph id="p-1">First Paragraph</paragraph>
  <paragraph id="p-2">Second Paragraph</paragraph>

The strength of this simple approach for document manipulation is the ability to pass these methods to new extension modules that can represent APIs for specific XML namespaces, as both host and guest languages. The example given in Figure 3 is meant to illustrate these capabilities by creating a simple XML::Loy extension for morpheme annotations.

Figure 3: Creating XML::Loy extensions

package XML::Loy::Example::Morphemes;
use XML::Loy with => (
  namespace => '',
  prefix => 'morph'

# Add morphemes root
sub morphemes {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->add(morphemes => @_);

# Add morphemes
sub morpheme {
  my $self = shift;
  return unless $self->type =~ /^(?:morph:)?morphemes$/;
  return $self->add(morpheme => @_);

The class inherits all XML creation methods from XML::Loy and thus all XML traversal methods from Mojo::DOM. When defining the base class, an optional namespace is bound to the morph prefix, which means, all invocations of set() and add() from this class will be bound to the morph namespace. The newly created morphemes() method appends a morphemes element bound to the given namespace as a child of the invoking node.

To implement simple grammar rules to the API the methods can check the invoking context, for example by constraining the introduction of morpheme elements to morphemes parent nodes only (see the regular expression check /^(?:morph:)?morphemes$/).

This newly created API for the namespace can now be used to create new document instances (see Figure 4 and the output shown in Figure 5).

Figure 4: Creating a document by using XML::Loy::Example::Morphemes

use XML::Loy::Example::Morphemes;

my $doc = XML::Loy::Example::Morphemes->new('document');

my $m = $doc->morphemes;


print $doc->to_pretty_xml;

Figure 5: The output instance created with XML::Loy::Example::Morphemes

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<document xmlns="">

By using the generic methods add() and set() provided by XML::Loy, the class can easily be used for extending an existing XML::Loy based class (i.e. as a guest language inside another host language). In the example shown in Figure 6 a simplified HTML instance is read and instantiated. Elements from the namespace are appended using the API described above (the output is shown in Figure 7).

Figure 6: Using extensions with XML::Loy

use XML::Loy;

my $doc = XML::Loy->new(<<'XML');
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <head><title>The sun</title></head>
  <body />

my $p = $doc->at('body')->add('p' => 'The sun shines');
my $m = $p->morphemes;

print $doc->to_pretty_xml;

Figure 7: The output instance created with XML::Loy and the XML::Loy::Example::Morphemes extension

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<html xmlns:morph="">
    <title>The sun</title>
    <p>The sun shines

By extending the XML::Loy base object with the newly created class using the extension()[1] method, all method calls from the extension class are available for namespace aware traversal and manipulation. In general, using such an extensible API provides at least some functionality usually made available by document grammars (the nesting of elements for example) and adds methods to create and manipulate the respective class of instances.

XStandoff as an example application

XStandoff's predecessor SGF (Sekimo Generic Format) was developed in 2008 (see Stührenberg and Goecke, 2008) as a meta format for storing and analyzing multiple annotated instances as part of a linguistic corpus. In 2009 the format was generalized and enhanced. Since then, XStandoff combines standoff notation with the formal model of General Ordered-Descendant Directed Acyclic Graphs (GODDAG, introduced in Sperberg-McQueen and Huitfeldt, 2004; see Sperberg-McQueen and Huitfeldt, 2008 for a more recent discussion). The format as such is capable of representing multiple hierarchies and specifically challenging structures such as overlaps, discontinuous elements and virtual elements. The basic structure of an XStandoff instance consists of the root element corpusData underneath which the child elements meta (optional), resources (optional), primaryData (optional in the proposed release 2.0, see Stührenberg, 2013), segmentation and annotation are subsumed. Figure 8 shows an example XStandoff document.[2]

Figure 8: XStandoff instance

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsf:corpusData xmlns:xsi=""
   xsi:schemaLocation=" xsf2_1.1.xsd"
   xmlns:xsf="" xml:id="c1" xsfVersion="2.0">
   <xsf:primaryData start="0" end="24" xml:lang="en" xml:space="preserve" unit="chars">
      <textualContent>The sun shines brighter.</textualContent>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg1" type="char" start="0" end="24"/>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg2" type="char" start="0" end="3"/>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg3" type="char" start="4" end="7"/>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg4" type="char" start="8" end="14"/>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg5" type="char" start="8" end="13"/>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg6" type="char" start="13" end="14"/>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg7" type="char" start="15" end="21"/>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg8" type="char" start="15" end="20"/>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg9" type="char" start="20" end="23"/>
      <xsf:segment xml:id="seg10" type="char" start="21" end="23"/>
      <xsf:level xml:id="l_morph">
         <xsf:layer xmlns:morph=""
            xsi:schemaLocation=" morphemes.xsd">
            <morph:morphemes xsf:segment="seg1">
               <morph:morpheme xsf:segment="seg2"/>
               <morph:morpheme xsf:segment="seg3"/>
               <morph:morpheme xsf:segment="seg5"/>
               <morph:morpheme xsf:segment="seg6"/>
               <morph:morpheme xsf:segment="seg7"/>
               <morph:morpheme xsf:segment="seg10"/>
      <xsf:level xml:id="l_syll">
         <xsf:layer xmlns:syll=""
            xsi:schemaLocation=" syllables.xsd">
            <syll:syllables xsf:segment="seg1">
               <syll:syllable xsf:segment="seg2"/>
               <syll:syllable xsf:segment="seg3"/>
               <syll:syllable xsf:segment="seg4"/>
               <syll:syllable xsf:segment="seg8"/>
               <syll:syllable xsf:segment="seg9"/>

In this example, the sentence The sun shines brighter. is annotated with two linguistic levels (and respective layers): morphemes and syllables. We cannot combine both annotation layers in an inline annotation, since there is an overlap between the two syllables brigh and ter and the two morphemes bright and er (see Figure 9 for a visualization of the overlap).

Figure 9: Graphical representation of overlapping hierarchies

Each annotation is encapsulated underneath a layer element (which in turn is a child element of a level element, since it is possible to have more than one serialization, that is, layer, for a conceptual level).[3] The xsf:segment attribute is used to link the annotation with the respective part of the primary data. Similar to other standoff approaches, XStandoff uses character positions for defining segments over textual primary data. Changes of the input text result in an out-of-sync situation between primary data and annotation. Processing XStandoff instances requires dealing with at least n+1 XML namespaces: one for XStandoff itself and one for each of the n annotation layers.

Up to now, these instances are created by transforming inline annotations via a set of XSLT 2.0 stylesheets (see Stührenberg and Jettka, 2009 for a detailed discussion). We will outline an example API for XStandoff based on XML::Loy that makes it easy to deal with the dynamic creation of multi-layered annotations in the following section[4].

Creating and processing XStandoff instances using XML::Loy

As presented in the previous section, XStandoff associates annotations to primary data by defining segment spans[5] to which the annotations are linked to via XML ID/IDREF integrity features. There are multiple ways to cope with standoff annotation: Compared to the XStandoff-Toolkit discussed in Stührenberg and Jettka, 2009, our API will provide an additional way to access and manipulate both annotations and primary data directly.

Figure 10: Creating XStandoff instances with XML::Loy::XStandoff

use XML::Loy::XStandoff;

# Create new corpusData
my $cd = XML::Loy::XStandoff->new('corpusData');

# Set textual content embedded
$cd->textual_content('The sun shines brighter.');

# Create segmentation
my $seg = $cd->segmentation;

# Create segments manually
my $seg1 = $seg->segment(0,24);
my $seg2 = $seg->segment(0, 3);
my $seg3 = $seg->segment(4, 7);
my $seg4 = $seg->segment(8, 13);
my $seg5 = $seg->segment(13, 14);
my $seg6 = $seg->segment(15, 21);
my $seg7 = $seg->segment(21, 23);

print $cd->to_pretty_xml;

In Figure 10 a new corpusData element is created. Next, a textualContent element is added (below an automatically introduced primaryData element with a unique xml:id). Seven manually defined segment elements are appended for selecting spans over the textual primary data aligned to the words and the sentence as a whole. Figure 11 shows the output.

Figure 11: The XStandoff instance created with XML::Loy::XStandoff

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<corpusData xmlns=""
  <primaryData start="0" end="24" xml:id="pd-2531FE9A-...">
    <textualContent>The sun shines brighter.</textualContent>
    <segment start="0" end="24" type="char" xml:id="seg-2532C88E-..." />
    <segment start="0" end="3" type="char" xml:id="seg-25330ACE-..." />
    <segment start="4" end="7" type="char" xml:id="seg-25334E9E-..." />
    <segment start="8" end="13" type="char" xml:id="seg-2533949E-..." />
    <segment start="13" end="14" type="char" xml:id="seg-2533DFE4-..." />
    <segment start="15" end="21" type="char" xml:id="seg-25343052-..." />
    <segment start="21" end="23" type="char" xml:id="seg-25348368-..." />

The document creation is simple, as most elements such as corpusData, textualContent and segment have corresponding API methods for finding, appending, updating and removing elements of the document. Segments are appended by defining their scope.

The manipulation of the primary data is possible by applying the segment_content() method, that associates primary data with segment spans (see Figure 12).

Figure 12: Using the XML::Loy::XStandoff API

# Get segment content
say $seg->segment($seg3)->segment_content;
# 'sun'

# Replace segment content

# Interactively replace segment content
$seg->segment($seg7)->segment_content(sub {
  my $t = shift;
  # Remove a sequence of 'er' from the string
  $t =~ s/er//;
  return $t;

# Show updated textual content
say $cd->textual_content;
# The moon shines bright.

# Segment positions are updated automatically
for ($seg->segment($seg6)) {
  say $_->attrs('start'); # 16
  say $_->attrs('end');   # 22

The textual content virtually delimited by a segment can be retrieved, replaced and manipulated, while all other segments stay intact and update their according start and end position values by calculating the new offsets in case they change. This addresses one of the key problems with standoff annotation: Usually, if one alters the primary data without updating the corresponding segments, association of annotations and corresponding primary data will break. Due to the dynamic access of primary data information provided by this API, work with standoff annotations can be nearly as flexible as with inline annotations, without the limitations these annotation formats have, for example to represent overlapping (see Figure 9).

The morpheme extension created in section “Creating an extensible API” can be simply adopted to represent an annotation layer with overlapping segment spans with an annotation of syllables (see Figure 13).

Figure 13: Extending XML::Loy::XStandoff

use XML::Loy::XStandoff;

# Create new corpusData
my $cd = XML::Loy::XStandoff->new('corpusData');

# Load extensions for Morphemes and Syllables
$cd->extension(-Example::Morphemes, -Example::Syllables);

# Set textual content embedded
$cd->textual_content('The sun shines brighter.');

# Start segmentation
my $seg = $cd->segmentation;
my $all = $seg->segment(0, 24);

# Create new annotation layer for morphemes
my $m = $cd->layer->morphemes;

# Create and associate all necessary segments for all morphemes
foreach ([0,3], [4,7], [8,13], [13,14], [15,21], [21,23]) {
  $m->morpheme->seg($seg->segment($_->[0], $_->[1]));

# Create new annotation layer for syllables
my $s = $cd->layer->syllables;

# Create and associate all necessary segments for all syllables
# independently, so overlaps are supported
foreach ([0,3], [4,7], [8,14], [15,20], [20,23]) {
  $s->syllable->seg($seg->segment($_->[0], $_->[1]));

# Change the primary data of the second morpheme 'sun' to 'moon'

The resulting document is similar to listing Figure 8 but with a modified primary data of The moon shines brighter. and updated segment spans.

Another problem with some standoff formats is the association with decoupled primary data content. In XStandoff the primary data can be included in the XSF instance (as seen in the previous examples) or stored in a separate file and referenced via the primaryDataRef element (in case of larger textual primary data, multimedia-based or multiple primary data files). If this file is on a local storage, the API will take care of updating the external textual content as well. Trying to modify files that are not modifiable (e.g. accessible online only) will result in a warning.

Since metadata in XStandoff can be either included inline or referenced in the same way, the handling of metadata in our API can be treated alike, with a slight difference if the metadata itself is a well-formed XML document. The example given in Figure 15 assumes a simple metadata document in RDF with a Dublin Core namespace at the location files/meta.xml in the local file system (shown in Figure 14).

Figure 14: RDF metadata instance

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
    <dc:creator>Nils Diewald</dc:creator>
    <dc:creator>Maik Stührenberg</dc:creator>
    <dc:title>An extensible API for documents with multiple annotation layers</dc:title>

Figure 15: Accessing external metadata

# Define the metadata as an external file
$cd->meta(uri => 'files/meta.xml');

# Retrieve the metadata, resulting in a new XML::Loy object
my $meta = $cd->meta(as => [-Loy, -DublinCore]);

# The extension is available in the newly defined object
print $meta->at('Description')->dc('title');
# 'An extensible API for documents with multiple annotation layers'

The API enables the reference to the external document and supports the access by defining a new XML::Loy object with an extension for dealing with Dublin Core data.[6] As a result, the Dublin Core annotated title element can be accessed directly, although the data is not embedded in the document.

Conclusion and future work

We have demonstrated the XML::Loy API that can be used as a framework for development of extensible modules for given namespaces (and therefore markup languages). Modules created as extensions can then be used in a simple but yet powerful way to create and process multiple annotated instances, even with standoff markup and referenced documents for primary and metadata information.

The current implementation of XML::Loy is written in pure Perl, with the focus on demonstrating the flexibility and extensibility of our approach, rather than creating a performance optimized system. Since the whole API (including the extension modules and examples described in this paper) is available under a free license at further possible steps could include performance optimizations and the creation of an extension repository for popular standardized markup languages (such as OLAC, DocBook and TEI).


We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers of this paper for their helpful comments and ideas.


[Atkins et al., 2011] Martin Atkins, Will Norris, Chris Messina, Monica Wilkinson, and Rob Dolin (2011). Atom Activity Streams 1.0.

[Bray et al., 2009] Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman, Richard Tobin, and Henry S. Thompson (2009). Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition). W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

[Diewald, 2011] Nils Diewald (2011). XML::Loy – Extensible XML Reader and Writer.

[Fallside and Walsmley, 2004] David C. Fallside and Priscilla Walmsley (2004). XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition. W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

[Gao et al., 2012] Shudi (Sandy) Gao, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, and Henry S. Thompson (2012). W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 1: Structures. W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

[Goecke et al., 2010] Daniela Goecke, Harald Lüngen, Dieter Metzing, Maik Stührenberg, and Andreas Witt (2010). Different views on markup. Distinguishing Levels and Layers. In: Witt, A. and Metzing, D. (eds.), Linguistic Modeling of Information and Markup Languages. Dordrecht: Springer. doi:

[Ishikawa, 2002] Masayasu Ishikawa (2002). An XHTML+MathML+SVG Profile. W3C Working Draft, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

[van Kesteren and Hunt, 2013] Anne Van Kesteren, and Lachlan Hunt (2013). Selectors API Level 1. W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

[Nottingham and Sayre, 2005] Mark Nottingham, and Robert Sayre (2005). The Atom Syndication Format. The Internet Society.

[Riedel, 2008] Sebastian Riedel (2008). Mojolicious. Real-time web framework.

[Snell, 2006] James M. Snell (2006). Atom Threading Extensions. The Internet Society.

[Sperberg-McQueen and Huitfeldt, 2004] C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Claus Huitfeldt (2004). GODDAG: A Data Structure for Overlapping Hierarchies. In: King, P. and Munson, E. V. (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on the Principles of Digital Document Processing (PODDP 2000), volume 2023 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer

[Sperberg-McQueen and Huitfeldt, 2008] C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Claus Huitfeldt (2008). GODDAG. Presented at the Goddag workshop, Amsterdam, 1-5 December 2008

[Stührenberg and Goecke, 2008] Maik Stührenberg and Daniela Goecke (2008). SGF – An integrated model for multiple annotations and its application in a linguistic domain. Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2008, Montréal, Canada, August 12 - 15, 2008. In: Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2008. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 1. doi:

[Stührenberg and Jettka, 2009] Maik Stührenberg and Daniel Jettka (2009). A toolkit for multi-dimensional markup: The development of SGF to XStandoff. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 3. doi:

[Stührenberg, 2013] Maik Stührenberg. A What, when, where? Spatial and temporal annotations with XStandoff. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013. doi:

[Thompson et al., 2004] Henry S. Thompson, David Beech, Murray Maloney, and Noah Mendelsohn (2004). XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition. W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

[Winer, 2009] Dave Winer (2009). RSS 2.0 Specification.

[1] The leading minus symbol is a shortcut for the XML::Loy module namespace, meaning, that the qualified name is XML::Loy::Example::Morphemes. More than one extension can be passed at once.

[2] More examples can be found at

[3] Think of different POS taggers for example.

[4] The software presented in this section is freely available under the GPL or the Artistic License at

[5] In the following example we will limit our view on segments defined by character positions. See Stührenberg, 2013 for examples for other segmentation methods supported by XStandoff.

[6] This extension is not described in this article.


Martin Atkins, Will Norris, Chris Messina, Monica Wilkinson, and Rob Dolin (2011). Atom Activity Streams 1.0.


Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman, Richard Tobin, and Henry S. Thompson (2009). Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition). W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).


Nils Diewald (2011). XML::Loy – Extensible XML Reader and Writer.


David C. Fallside and Priscilla Walmsley (2004). XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition. W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).


Shudi (Sandy) Gao, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, and Henry S. Thompson (2012). W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 1: Structures. W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).


Daniela Goecke, Harald Lüngen, Dieter Metzing, Maik Stührenberg, and Andreas Witt (2010). Different views on markup. Distinguishing Levels and Layers. In: Witt, A. and Metzing, D. (eds.), Linguistic Modeling of Information and Markup Languages. Dordrecht: Springer. doi:


Masayasu Ishikawa (2002). An XHTML+MathML+SVG Profile. W3C Working Draft, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).


Anne Van Kesteren, and Lachlan Hunt (2013). Selectors API Level 1. W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).


Mark Nottingham, and Robert Sayre (2005). The Atom Syndication Format. The Internet Society.


Sebastian Riedel (2008). Mojolicious. Real-time web framework.


James M. Snell (2006). Atom Threading Extensions. The Internet Society.


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C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Claus Huitfeldt (2008). GODDAG. Presented at the Goddag workshop, Amsterdam, 1-5 December 2008


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