Tag Library Introduction

This very small tag set is intended to support tagging of papers for Balisage: The Markup Conference (hereinafter “Balisage”). It is derived from DocBook (5.0CR7), and documents that are valid to this vocabulary will, with one exception, be valid according to DocBook 5.0CR7. (See remarks on <bibliomixed> for the exception.)

Navigating in this Tag Library

To move around in this Tag Library use the either:

In the navigation bar, clicking a word or phrase (such as “Elements”) will take you to the page for which that is the title. If, as in “Elements”, there is a triangle beside the heading, there are subsidiary pages. Clicking that triangle will display (or hide) the list of subsidiary pages. For example, clicking the triangle beside “Elements” will show a list of each of the elements discussed in the Tag Library, and clicking the name of an element in that list will take you to the page discussing the element.

For readability, live links in the text of the pages are not highlighted except on mouse-over. Most names of elements and attributes are live links. On mouse-over, the backgrounds behind links becomes blue; clicking on any of these words or phrases will take you to the section of the Tag Library discussion that structure.

Structure of this Tag Library

This Tag Library contains the following sections:


This introduction to the Tag Library contents.

Elements Section

Descriptions of the elements used in the Balisage Conference Paper tag set. The element descriptions are listed in alphabetical order by tag name. (Note: Each element has two names: a “tag name” (formally called an element-type name) that is used in tagged documents, in the DTDs/schemas, and by XML software, and an “element name” (usually longer) that provides a fuller, more descriptive name for the benefit of human readers. For example, a tag name might be <bibliomixed> with the corresponding element name Bibliographic Entry or a tag name might be <xref> with the corresponding element name Cross-Reference.

Attributes Section

Descriptions of the attributes in the Balisage Conference Paper vocabulary. Like elements, attributes also have two names: the shorter machine-readable one and a (usually longer) human-readable one. Attributes are listed in order by the shorter machine-readable names, for example, the attribute short name @valign instead of the more informal, easier to read: @valign.

Context Table

Listings of where each element may be used. All elements appear in a simple alphabetical list.

The Context Table is formatted in two columns. The first column lists an element’s tag name, and the second column lists the tags for all the elements in which the listed element may occur. For example, if the first column contains the element <info> and the second column contains only the element <article>, this means that the <info> element may only be used inside an <article> element.

Most elements may be used inside more than one other element. For example, the element <listitem> may be used inside the <itemizedlist>, <orderedlist>, and <varlistentry> elements.

Note: These Context Table listings (which list where an element may be used) are the inverse of the content definition that is given as a part of each element description, which lists what can be inside the named element.

Document Hierarchy Diagrams

Tree-like graphical representations of the content of many elements. This can be a fast visual way to determine the structure of an article or of any element within an article.

Full Paper Sample

A complete paper sample is provided both in HTML format and in XML according to this tag set. The paper is provided to help users understand the relationship between the paper as displayed and the XML version of the paper.


Where to find elements, tags, and terms used in the Balisage Conference Paper tag set. This index may include synonyms (terms not used in this Tag Set) that direct the reader to elements used in this tag set.

Typographic Conventions

<bibliomixed> The tag name of an element (Written in lower case with the entire name surrounded by “< >”)
Bibliographic Entry The element name (long descriptive name of an element) or the descriptive name of an attribute (Written in title case, that is, with important words capitalized, and the words separated by spaces)
must not Emphasis to stress a point